210418 Coincidental, or destined? Between 9 years, he never seemed to change. Cr. JustForXING, 蕾骑, 反击能力强的和平爱好者 @layzhang #producerLayzhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY #LIT_PHYSICAL_ALBUM
210417 Yixing weibo update The fire gives rebirth where the flowers blossom; the circle forms when the pen drops @layzhang #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210418 Yixing weibo update Yixing: I can't hide it now. I'm a person with a license! *Tractor and Combine Harvester Driver's License 🚜 @layzhang #producerLayzhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY #LIT_PHYSICAL_ALBUM
210417 Back to Field Preview Yixing related "I got my tractor driving license!!" "Aya maya! It's so difficult, Shifu!" @layzhang #producerLayzhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY #LIT_PHYSICAL_ALBUM
210417 @lay_studio update 5p[1/2] [ENG] Stage interpretations M-POP combines Chinese culture with western, interpreting the Legends. One stage one story. The stage is more than one show @layzhang #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210416 @lay_studio weibo update 1p The online reservation of the physical album "Lit" have reached 1 million in 9 hours! The c-xbacks are also crying 😭 @layzhang #producerLayzhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY #LIT_PHYSICAL_ALBUM
210416 Youth and Melody preview PD LayZhang in black giving questions😍 Trans in comment~ @layzhang #producerLayzhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY #LIT_PHYSICAL_ALBUM
210413 Back to Field weibo update 2p "Back to field" S5, Air on Fridays 10pm (CST) from Apr.23 💜💜 @layzhang #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210412 @layzhang related weibo update There seems to be a mysterious interaction event regarding the physical album of "LIT". Stay tuned! cr. LOGO #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #LIT_PHYSICAL_ALBUM
210412 @lay_studio weibo update 1p "...we want to unite Lay and Xbacks' company into 78888 albums. Album is limited but the sincerity is infinite" Trans in p2 @layzhang #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop
[ENG] 210410 Tencent A-LIST fashion weibo update Yixing’s latest interview🤩 Full ENG CC video 👉🏻🔗 youtu.be/4zAXmvLNNZY @layzhang #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY