#WangYibo doesn’t care about the billing positions of the projects he takes, as long as the script is good, and can learn from his seniors, he will consider doing the project. In fact, many idol dramas look for Wang Yibo to be the main protagonist but is rejected by him #cpop
210616 Back To Field Weibo update Guess who cooked these delicious dishes! Yixing is there anything you can't do? 🥺 @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #producerLayzhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210615 @Metal_Magazine weibo update concept video ”Every restart, every rebirth, all need courage to set yourself back to zero.” @layzhang #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210614 Yixing weibo update 1p [ENG] New movie announcement. The network world is real or unreal?Who is in the bait and who is biting the hook? Let's wait the "No More Bets". @layzhang #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210614 Back To Field Dragon Boat Festival Special release Yixing is singing "사랑해요, means I love U."🥰 so beautiful voice! Song by JJ Lin @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #producerLayzhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #레이 #cpop #mpop #DONT_FIGHT_THE_FEELING #CEOLAY
#WangYibo is determined to be a good actor. He puts a lot of effort into his roles & diligently takes acting lessons. He doesn't care about his “idol appearance” anymore, as he just wants to make sure he acts to who the role is & provides what the director & project needs #cpop
Krump king Yixing is back! We can meet captain LayZhang again on SDC4 in August! 🎉 Battle for peace, look forward to a grand meeting for global street dancers! @layzhang #LAYonSDC4 #producerLayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210612 SDC4 weibo update Yixing will be joining SDC4 as one of the team captains!Look forward to our krump king Lay🥳 @layzhang #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY #LAYonSDC4
210612 Yixing weibo update "Street Dance of China, battle for peace" Yixing will be on SDC4! @layzhang #producerLayZhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210611 Back To Field ep08 Yixing's part [Eng] Yixing x O Yixing: O! Girl~why are you so fat?🤣 O: No I'm not getting angry! 😠😡 @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #producerLayzhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY
210611 Back To Field ep08 Yixing's part Yixing's getting up😘 So Cute Baby!!! He must be only 3 years old!😭 @layzhang #LAYonBackToFieldS5 #producerLayzhang #LayZhang #张艺兴 #Lay #Yixing #ZhangYixing #張藝興 #레이 #レイ #장이씽 #อี้ชิง #cpop #mpop #CEOLAY