Wow, when people stand up and fight, CCP’s #BigWhites are outnumbered and they escape! In Haizhu District, #Guangzhou city, #CCPChina #covid #ZeroCovid
Public clashes with #CCP police as the gather at #Urumqi road in #Shanghai city #CCPChina to mourn the victims who died in the fire because of inhumane #covid #lockdown. The crowd shouted “CCP, step down! #XiJinping, step down!”
Students in Nanjing Media College gathered to mourn victims who died during the fire in #Urumqi #Xinjiang, as well the as all others who died during the #CCP’s #covid #lockdown. Something big is happening in #CCPChina as more and more people are standing up. HOPE! FREEDOM!
“If we must die, you die together with us! “ “End the #lockdown!” In #Urumqi #Xinjiang, angry people surrounded the government building and demanded lifting the lockdown after being locked down for months. #covid #covid19 #CCPVirus
In #Shanghai city tonight, people also started to protest against the #covid #lockdown #CCPChina
Nov 23, a fire broke out in Urumqi's Jixiang Yuan district. Because of the #covid #lockdown, fire truck couldn’t get closer & people were locked inside & couldn’t escape. #CCP says 10 killed, but it is widely believed that death toll is over 20. That’s 1 reason for today’s riots.
More and more people are taking to the streets to protest against the #CCP’s ruthless #covid lockdowns. And many people are live streaming it. Tonight, in #Urumqi #Xinjiang, #CCPChina
Breaking: large scale protests break out in #Urumqi #XinJing #CCPChina as peoples demand an end of #covid #lockdown
People from the building on the right went on the bus to #covid quarantine center. Some of them will never make their way back home. #Guiyang #TheGreatTranslationMovement
In Northeast China, #covid guard cursed people who dare to go out, take away their masks and pushed them back home. He records all these proudly in the name of #Covid19 pandemic. #大翻译运动 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
At #Shanghai, babies are separated from their parents at the quarantine site! Many babies developed skin ulcers because nobody gave them proper cleanings. #covid #COVID19 #CCPVirus #上海 金山婴幼儿隔离点,孩子哭鬧,多名幼儿得不到清洗,皮肤溃烂。 #中共病毒
Food delivered at home, Oxygen, PPE kits, facilitation for vaccinations & hospital admissions & much more. Proud of the continuing efforts of fellow karyakartas of @BJP4Delhi in reaching out to thousands of citizens every day to help manage this #covid surge 🙏🙏
#AoVivo: Presidente Jair Bolsonaro fala sobre a reunião com chefes do Legislativo e do Judicário sobre o enfrentamento à #covid-19. Acompanhe:…
#嘉手納基地 で2回目のモデルナ社製新型コロナウィルス・ #ワクチン 接種が始まりました。 #covid @USFJ_J @USForcesJapan 在沖縄の米軍、ワクチン接種公開 「地域の感染予防にも」 | 共同通信 ニュース | 沖縄タイムス+プラス… @theokinawatimesより
#嘉手納基地 で、2回目のモデルナ社製新型コロナウィルス・ #ワクチン 接種が始まりました。2度の接種で #新型コロナウィルス に対する予防効果が期待できます。予防接種により、基地内そして、地元の皆さんの感染予防に一翼を担います。 #covid @USFJ_J @USForcesJapan
#大阪コロナ重症センター で勤務いただける #看護師 を募集しています。人工呼吸器装着時のケア経験のある方で、最低1ヵ月程度の勤務が可能な方を必要としています。詳細はHPをご覧ください。… #covid-19 #新型コロナウイルス感染症 #看護師募集
第18航空団のワッペン(左)と同航空団の新型コロナウィルス感染症対策本部のワッペン(右)です。コロナの感染拡大で依然として大変な状況が続いていますが、力を合わせてこの困難を一緒に乗り越えていきましょう! #嘉手納基地 #covid #ワッペン #マスク
人は”無意識”に顔を触っています!日頃から手洗いを意識づけ、新型コロナウイルスの接触感染を防止していきましょう。… #covid-19 #接触感染防止 #手洗い #意識づけが大事
アリババ創業者馬雲(ジャック・マー)さんから二階俊博自民党幹事長および日本医師会への書簡を大使館が入手しました。その中で、馬さんは日本のCOVID-19ウイルス対応を支援するため、N95マスク30万枚、医療用防護服15万着を調達し、近頃日本へ届けることを表明しました。#covid #中日協力