What a BLAST... I can’t believe I WON SOMETHING... _(:3 」∠)_ Big Ups to both Senpai and Kouhai, Coco and Ollie respectively! I hope we can keep having fun together. ♡ #cocolliope
ココリオペたのしかった! カリちゃん強すぎたので次のマリパではカリちゃんから搾り取ったる!!! #cocolliope
♡✿{{TONIGHT'S STREAM}}✿♡ Madness. Insanity. Anime Women. with @kiryucoco and @kureijiollie !! #cocolliope Super Mario Party with Coco and Ollie! youtu.be/a1YcUQKbh5w 23:00 JST // 7:00am PST // 15:00 BST