事实就是,你哭不哭不重要,发自真心还是假意也不重要,重要的是你能遵从 #ccp 的这个服从性测试,而不是去质疑。 就像当初赵高的指鹿为马,他不需要你们真的相信鹿就是马,只需要你们服从,证明你们还在他的权力管控范围内。 如果你的情绪都可以完全被掌控,那还有什么是不能交给党的呢?
.@mingpaocom reports that a mainlander from #China took part in the protests against the #NationalSecurityLaw, saying #HongKong shouldn’t be a place without #FreeSpeech. Paper says he held a placard “God destroy #ccp” 內地人首參加示威:不想香港沒言論自由 news.mingpao.com/ins/%e6%b8%af%…
Despite the ban on gatherings and threats from #ccp, for the 31st consecutive year, Hong Kong still managed to host the world’s largest June Fourth vigil. #TiananmenVigil #TiananmenSquareMassacre #StandWithHongKong Drone video by Kenny H for Studio Incendo
70 years ago the founding sages evaded #ccp and found the #cuhk, today the National Security Police were called on by cuhk to investigate their own students.
it is really confusing that chanting "Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times" breaks the national security law, but “heaven destroys #ccp” is ok (is it?)
07 Aug 2022 Mr. Miles Guo: Whether or not the CCP invades Taiwan, the United States will flatten the CCP's military islands in the South China Sea, open up all oil transportation routes along Malacca, and make Taiwan de facto independent #milesguo #taiwan #taiwanindependence #ccp
Pelosi met with TSMC Chairman Mark Liu in her Taiwan trip, in a sign of how critically important semiconductors are to US national security; Taiwan will hold live-fire military drills this week simulating a defense of the island against a CCP’s invasion #taiwan #ccp #nancypelosi
In exchange to keep his life and his money, boss of Fosun Pharma, spilled the beans and doped in many a high ranking ccp officials. #ccp #fosunpharma #milesguo #milesguolive
Binance’s Zhao will too be hunted by the ccp Xi’s apparatus. #milesguo #binance #zhangchangpeng #ccp
20230501麦肯锡议长:CCP是技术发展的新威胁 1.美以的技术交流硕果累累; 2.CCP也许会标榜自己是技术发展的领头羊,但CCP就是一个窃贼,是技术发展的新的威胁; 3.美国呼吁以色列也小心来自中共的投资; #ccp≠chinese #mccarthy #TakeDownTheCCP