The gap is currently not moving. Hoping that ARMY are still with us. M from ARMY is multitasking, so let us do our best to win this. Few more hours left!🏆 Trend: ARMY FIGHT ON MAMA #MAMAVOTE #bts 🗳️: mama.mwave.me/en/vote
Thank you to all ARMYs who are still staying with us despite of the differences of our time zones. We'll never get tired of reminding and joining you in these votings. You never vote alone.🥺 Trend: ARMY FIGHT ON MAMA #MAMAVOTE #bts 🗳️: mama.mwave.me/en/vote
ええ写真すぎて、命懸けで地球守った人に見えてくる……。 #MAMAVOTE #bts
#ARMYVOTE: For questions. Trend: ARMY FIGHT ON MAMA #MAMAVOTE #bts 🗳️: mama.mwave.me/en/vote twitter.com/i/spaces/1YqKD…
昨日のツイに たくさんの♡&RTをありがとう 彼らの良き休暇となることを願うばかり( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎ MAMA投票が接戦だそうです💦 どのくらい役に立てるかわかりませんが… もう少しだけ、大好きな彼らを 一緒に応援させてください🙌 RT=1票🌸 #MAMAVOTE #bts
해랑이 BTS슈퍼참치 챌린지 #bts @BTS_twt challenge (ft. #supertuna) @mofkorea youtube.com/shorts/kd6_XLp…
Vote for #bts at #MAMAVOTE 2021
I do hope more ARMY will promote/talk about the MAMA voting wether you're big or small account. We need to reach & encourage more army as many as we can because there's only 37 hours left to vote. #MAMAVOTE #bts
I vote for #bts  as Worldwide Fan’s Choice Top 10 at the #MAMAVOTE
MAMA 2021のTwitter投票 1日1回 12月8日(水)分です☆ 投票終了まであと2日☆ ステージで名前が呼ばれるその瞬間まで……あと少し頑張りましょう💜 このツイートをリツイートしても投票反映されますのでぜひ💜 #MAMAVOTE #bts @BTS_twt Permission to Dance Butter Dynamite Boy With Luv
EXTENDED MASS VOTING STARTS NOW! 💥 Voting has been reset. It means you can use your accounts again. Join us to protect the BTS' Daesang! ⚡ ⏳: 38 HOURS LEFT TO VOTE #️⃣: #MAMAVOTE #bts 🎵: tinyurl.com/3drsc3tj 🗳️: mama.mwave.me/en/vote
まだまだ知らないBTSの曲もあるし、歌詞を覚えられてない曲もたくさん😢💦 韓国語、英語、日本語歌詞たくさんあって覚えるの大変だけど、いつかコンサートに行けた時、ARMYにマイクが向いた時、全力で歌えるように頑張る😁💜今私にできること🥰 #MAMAVOTE #bts
🆘 10 minutes left before voting resets so make sure to use all your accounts! Extended mass voting @ 12am (KST)! Are you ready? #MAMAVOTE #bts
INDOMY sudah kah dirimu vote MAMA? Ingatlah kalau kita akan voting untuk DAESANG! Kita meminta bantuanmu untuk membuat 10 akun atau lebih dan vote secara rutin untuk mendapatkan BTS DAESANG di MAMA! Kita menunggu partisipasimu! 💜 🗳️: mama.mwave.me/cn/vote #MAMAVOTE #bts
WIN THE DAESANG 4 BTS 🗳️: mama.mwave.me/en/vote #MAMAVOTE #bts
Kdiamonds!! 한국 아미님들!! 🥰 오늘의 마마 투표 하셨나요?? 현재 이 투표는 'MAMA 대상'을 위한 것 입니다. 매일매일 10개 혹은 그 이상의 계정으로 방탄소년단이 대상을 수상할 수 있도록 투표해주세요. 여러분의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 🗳️: mama.mwave.me/kr/vote #MAMAVOYE #bts
🛑🛰️| MASS VOTING STARTS NOW! Only 41 hours left to protect the DAESANG. Every votes you drop is very important. Together, let's vote now! 🚀 🌐: WIN THE DAESANG 4 BTS #️⃣: #MAMAVOTE #bts 🎵: tinyurl.com/3drsc3tj 🗳️: mama.mwave.me/en/vote
🚩 Other fandom knows our mass voting at 9pm (KST) and they are planning to block out votes! So better to create more accounts ARMY. If you have exhaust all your accounts, please do create more so you can join the mass voting. 🙏🥺 WIN THE DAESANG 4 BTS #MAMAVOTE #bts
笑いのツボ入って床にゴロゴロしちゃうの可愛すぎる🥺 ゴローンってした後足が上がっちゃう時多すぎて可愛いwwwwwww 椅子と相性悪いのは分かるけど笑いすぎて立ってられないのほんとにしんどいwwwwww #bts #jimin #BTSARMY
🗣️ | Create new accounts now! Let's increase the gap during the mass voting at 9pm (KST)! Remember that we are voting for BTS' Daesang. Create more accounts via: bit.ly/BVO_CREATE WIN THE DAESANG 4 BTS #MAMAVOTE #bts 🗳️:mama.mwave.me/en/vote
残り2日❕❕ 2位と少し離すことができました💜✨このまま残りの投票を頑張りましょう☺️ 休暇中にバンタンに喜んでもらいたい❕🥺🌷💗 #MAMAVOTE #bts
ナムジュンさん🐨のインスタがあまりにもinstgrammerでステキなのでまとめてみました(リアコ助長剤) 📸🖤よろしければリツイートで1票になります♡💫 #MAMAVOTE  #bts @BTS_twt
ハンサムだと言って鯉の真似させるホビ死ぬWWWWWWWそれを素直に受け入れてやっちゃうナムジュン可愛すぎるてWWWWWWWWWWWWW #bts #BTSARMY #HOSEOK #Namjoon twitter.com/RM91227/status…
🔔 ARMY NOTICE! We do hope you are all ready for our upcoming mass voting at 9pm (KST). Our gap is continuously decreasing. 😟 At 8 pm (KST), we will conduct a trending party and mass creation of accounts. RT this to SPREAD! #MAMAVOTE #bts
#MAMAVOTE Worldwide Fans Choice Top 10 Finale (Website voting), Added votes per hour, 7pm (KST): 1. #bts – +14,182 🆘🆘🆘 2. – +15,672 GAP – 407,981 🔻 🗳️:mama.mwave.me/en/vote