あなたのハートを頂きます❤️ 愛と平和の怪盗CELINE BOYS💜 ㅋㅋㅋ #taehyung #bogummy #Celineboys #インスタとのまちがいさがし
【韓国語圏の方へ】 박보검이 드디어 일본가수데뷔를 하였습니다❣️ 데뷔싱글 「#Bloomin’」에는, 세계의 팬분들과 함께 꽃을 피워나가고 싶다는 마음이 담긴 곡입니다🌸 꼭 들어주세요✨ ▶️lnk.to/park-bogumTW #ParkBoGum #bogum #bogummy #박보검 #パク・ボゴム #パクボゴム #ボゴミ
【英語圏の方へ】 “Nation’s boyfriend” of Korea #ParkBoGum has finally debuted as a singer in Japan!🎤✨ His debut release “#Bloomin’” is made with a wish of “blooming” the flowers all together with his fans around the world!🌸 ▶️lnk.to/park-bogumTW #bogum #bogummy #박보검