🎉#BRISEE GIVEAWAY🎉 1#BRISESE worth ($600+) for 10 lucky winners To win 🏆 1. Follow @bitgertPro / @MegaBullRun 2. Like & RT 3. Tag someone #Brise #Bitgertcommunity #bitgertpro #megabullrun #briseburn #GMM
🎊#BRISE GIVEAWAY 🎁🎉 💎#BRISERISE (worth +$1000) For 20 winners🤑 🟣 $50 each 🟣 Like and RT 🟣 Follow @bitgertPro 🟣 Tag a friend! #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #BRC20 #LunaGens #BriseChain #brisewallet #Bitgertcommunity #BitgertExchange
#BRISE GIVEAWAY 🎁🎉 💎 50#BRISEISE (worth +$490) for 20 peeps👥️️ $20 each🔥🔥 🟣 RT 🟣 Follow @bitgertPro 🟣 Tag 2 friends! #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #Bitgertcommunity #BRC20 #Bitgert #Brise #BITGERTARMY #Bitgertchain #BriseChain #bitgertexchange #paybrise #bitgertswap
🎊#BRISE GIVEAWAY 🎁🎉 💎 1#BRISERISE (worth +$500) For 10 winners🔥🤑 🟣 Like and RT 🟣 Follow @bitgertPro 🟣 Tag a friend! #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #BRC20 #LunaGens #BriseChain #brisewallet #Bitgertcommunity #BitgertExchange #paybrise
#BRISE GIVEAWAY 🎁🎉 💎 #BRISEISE (worth +$360) For 8 winners🔥🤑 🟣 Like and RT 🟣 Follow @bitgertPro 🟣 Tag 2 friends! #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #BRC20 #LunaGens #BriseChain #brisewallet #Bitgertcommunity #BitgertExchange #paybrise
This is the reminder from the last giveaway 🤑🤑 $253 for 10 persons with $25 each🔥 TO WIN 🏆 RT & follow @bitgertPro #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #Bitgertcommunity #BRC20 #AIBRA #Brise #Bitgert #MEXCGlobal #Bitgertarmy #Bitgertchain #bitgertexchange
#BRISE GIVEAWAY 🎁🎉 💎 500M (worth +$360) for 10 winners $30 each 🟣 RT 🟣 Follow @bitgertPro 🟣 Tag 1 friends! ⏲ 24h #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #BRC20 #AIBRA #cryptovierge #BNB #Brise #Bitgert #Bitgertcommunity
🎉 #BRISE BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY 🎉 1#BRISESE ($400) for 20 persons/ $20 each To Enter: 1⃣Follow @bitgertPro 2⃣RT, ❤️ & tag 5 friends Winners announced in 72 hours🔔 #NFTGiveaway #LUNC #Bitcoin #ETH #bitgertpro #web3 #itshappening #cryptocurrecy #BRC20 #SOL #altcoinseason #Crypto
#BRISE GIVEAWAY TIME🎁🎉 💎 1B #Brise (worth +$490) 🟣 Like and RT 🟣 Follow @bitgertPro and @Whale_number1 🟣 Tag 2 friends! #Bitgertcommunity #bitgertpro #whalenumber1 #Bitgert #BitgertBRISE #bitgertexchange #paybrise #bitgertswap #startupstudio #Brisechain #BriseWallet
🎉?#BRISESE GIVEAWAY 🎁🎉 💎 #BRISEBRISE (worth +$300) 🔥For 10 people with $30 each 🟣 Like and RT 🟣 Follow @bitgertPro and @Whale_number1 🟣 Tag 2 friends! #Bitgertcommunity #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #bitgertswap #startupstudio #BitgertExchange #whalenumber1 #Bitgert #ADA
#BRISE GIVEAWAY 🎁🎉 💎 80#BRISEISE (worth +$400) For 8 winners, $50 each 🔥🤑 🟣 Like and RT 🟣 Follow @bitgertPro 🟣 Tag 2 friends! #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #BRC20 #whalemakerdund #LunaGens #BriseChain #brisewallet #Bitgertcommunity #BitgertExchange #paybrise
You wanted 99% of the total supply to get burned 🔥 right? @bitgertbrise response to give you what you wanted🔥 on February 3rd there will a MegaBurn🤩 99% to be gone🤩💯 Let's follow @bitgertbrise & @bitgertPro #Bitgertcommunity #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #BRC20 #megabullrun
This February is the month you've been waiting for 🔥 The #BRISE TIER-1 EXCHANGE LISTING is coming 🔥🚀 RT & follow @bitgertPro for all the details concerning #Bitgert #Brise #Bitgertcommunity #bitgertpro #megabullrun #Binance #Coinbase #Cryptocom #BTC
#Bitgertcommunity Rank# 216 Bitgert/brise 165,000 holders 🎉🥳 Rank# 236 baby doge 1.2 million holders 😳 What will be #BRISE price & marketcap with 1.2 million holders? You be the judge 👨‍⚖️ Follow @bitgertPro & RT this for the haters #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #btc #BNB
#Brise ready to hit 50x this year, with TIER-1 exchanges listings coming next month 🔥🚀 Follow @bitgertPro for your #Brise news 💫 #bitgertpro #bitgertbrise #Bitgertcommunity #BRC20 #BriseExchange #BriseWallet #metaverse #BTC #BNB
In 3 days the #Bitgert team going to drop a big bomb 🚨🔥🚀 What will it be? Leave a follow @bitgertPro while commenting your thoughts #Bitgertcommunity #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #BRC20 #AIBRA #BNB #ETH #BTC #Solana
Let's kill this fucking zero 🔥🔥🚀 RT & follow @bitgertPro / @MegaBullRun #Bitgertcommunity #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #megabullrun
#Brise will get listing on all major exchanges before the #Bullrun begin🔥 Buy #Brise on now @MEXC_Global @kucoincom then wait for #Binance & #Coinbase listing 🤑 Are you #Brise fans? Then follow @bitgertPro / @Whale_number1 #Bitgertcommunity #bitgertpro #BitGertBRISE #BRC20
#Bitgertcommunity #bitgertpro Kucoin to integrate #Bitgert chain! 🚀 You will be able to deposit/withdraw #Brise using #BRC20 chain🔥 Follow @bitgertPro for more news