小型ドローンが電池ドローンの上に着陸して空中で給電 youtu.be/8hmI_LyQzPA #drones #quadcopter #robotics #battery #power #technology #HiPeRLab #UCBerkeley #空飛ぶ2次電池
ばてり!!!!!!! #metallica #battery #riffs #miyako
Fantastic event in Florida. Didn’t win the 🔋 award, but were finalists at our 1st ever show, connected with #battery industry legends like NASA’s Eric Darcy, many OEMs, analysts, customers $ partners. #BigThanks to our team for all the hard work and a special one to our retail… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Very proud of our @Metamaterialtec team for this milestone agreement in next generation #battery materials. See you at the #FloridaBattery event! @CEnertech #NPORE #GoBeyond 🦋internationalbatteryseminar.com twitter.com/Metamaterialte…
Great to be named in the final list for the inaugural Best of Show awards program, recognizing the best new products in the #battery space for our #NCORE current collector product! #GoBeyond @Metamaterialtec 🦋 twitter.com/BatteryPowerMa…
Check our blog on #battery materials & unique value in the prevention-mitigation of 🔥risk. @Metamaterialec's🔋separators (aka NPORE) and current collectors (aka NCORE) are game changing. Large OEMs and Tier 1 companies already know. See you in Florida🦋 metamaterial.com/blog/new-compo…
Roll to roll coating under vacuum to form layers in the manufacture of #battery and other active materials on a specialty DuPont film substrate. Safer and lighter 🔋. Beautiful green patina colour of copper during evaporation. #GoBeyond 🦋@Metamaterialtec twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
In the last six months we have been working closely with a number of reputable third party partners to advance our 🔋tech #PLASMAfusion & #NPORE. We are planning to share test results in Q1 on @Metamaterialtec #battery materials and performance. #StayTuned batteryindustry.tech/dupont-teijin-…
What the #Rosetta stone was once for linguistics... New #battery🔋tech will become the modern day Rosetta equivalent for #energy storage, unlocking the solution to the global energy crisis. Here is our contribution: metamaterial.com/solutions/batt… #SolidState #GoBeyond🦋@Metamaterialtec
本日キャンペーン最終日となります❣️ 皆さま、フォロー&いいねを忘れていませんか?🎶 23:59までですので、まだ間に合いますよーっ🙋‍♀️⏳ #Aiper #AiperJapan #battery #DIY #ポータブル電源 #モバイルバッテリー #アウトドア #キャンプ #家族 #自宅待機 #防災 #Freeman #キャンペーン #プレゼント