Speechless! 🇨🇿🫶🏻 Best player of baseball history paying respect to our boys… that’s alright @MLB @WBCBaseball #CzechIN #baseballczech
👀 @ShoheiOhtani out there casually wearing #baseballczech cap while arriving in USA for @WBCBaseball semifinals!!! 🇨🇿🫶🏻 What a great honor! 🎥 : Twitter.com/Syo365aoOoø #CzechIN #baseballczech @MLB @MLBNetwork @MilujemeBasebal @MLBONFOX
👀 @ShoheiOhtani out there casually wearing #baseballczech cap while arriving in USA for @WBCBaseball semifinals!!! 🇨🇿🫶🏻 What a great honor! 🎥 : Twitter.com/Syo365aoOoø #CzechIN #baseballczech @MLB @MLBNetwork @MilujemeBasebal @MLBONFOX
Thank you, Tokyo! 🇯🇵 You really were great to us 🙏🏻 #XCzechIN #baseballczech
Lesson learned against the world’s #1 Japan 🇯🇵 Still enjoyed the hell out of that one. Lot of fun to take on reigning olympic champs 👊🏻 #CzechIN #baseballczech
#baseballczech hats 🇨🇿 are apparently sold out in all sizes after Shohei Ohtani’s arrival in Miami. That’s craaaaazyyyyyyy 🤯 …talk about spreading the game worldwide! @WBCBaseball #CzechIN #baseballczech @MLBEurope @MLBONFOX @SportsCenter @MLBNetwork
#baseballczech hats 🇨🇿 are apparently sold out in all sizes after Shohei Ohtani’s arrival in Miami. That’s craaaaazyyyyyyy 🤯 …talk about spreading the game worldwide! @WBCBaseball #CzechIN #baseballczech @MLBEurope @MLBONFOX @SportsCenter @MLBNetwork
Shohei Ohtani sure doesn’t look bad in #baseballczech gear! 🇨🇿 Any chance he’s got some Czech heritage…? Someone pls check, we could find a spot for him at the European championship in fall 🤯 #CzechIN #baseballczech
Shohei Ohtani sure doesn’t look bad in #baseballczech gear! 🇨🇿 Any chance he’s got some Czech heritage…? Someone pls check, we could find a spot for him at the European championship in fall 🤯 #CzechIN #baseballczech
🎶 Stand up , for the champions!!! Did you hear the story about bunch of 9to5 guys and college students who battled their heart out against 3x World Champions?! 🥇 Huge congratulations team Japan! It was such a great honor to learn from the best 🇯🇵 #CzechIN #baseballczech
We will be there in 2026 ⚾️🇨🇿 #baseballczech twitter.com/WBCBaseball/st…
Let’s go back one more time to the phenomenal atmosphere yesterday. Biggest attendance at any 🇨🇿 national team game ever… 🤯 #CzechIN #baseballczech
It's official ✅🇨🇿 Willie "The Rock" Escala received Czech citizenship and honors for his contributions to Czech sports at the World Baseball Classic. Welcome to the family ⚾️ #baseballczech
Do you miss watching our boys play already? 🇨🇿 Try our documentary Small country big dreams about the underdog run at @WBCBaseball Qualifier in Regenaburg! 🎬 👉🏻 youtu.be/ckx8EN09ajU (w/ 🇬🇧 & 🇪🇸 subtitles) #CzechIN #baseballczech @MLBNetwork @MLBEurope @MLBONFOX
National team players and coaches received the gifts from Japanese fans! 🇨🇿🤝🇯🇵 どうもありがとうございます🫶🏻 #baseballczech
How about some quality ice 🧊 barh! #CzechIN #baseballczech
This was the Czech Republic's first participation in the World Baseball Classic. We'll be back and even stronger in 2026. ⚾️🇨🇿 #baseballczech #CzechIN
Imagine getting blown in the leg by 101.9 mph fastball... and staying in the game 🥶 That Willie Escala is a tough kid! #CzechIN #baseballczech
Úžasný zápas ⚾️. Celé @WBCBaseball můžete nalézt v archivu @sportCT 🇨🇿 #baseballczech twitter.com/sportCT/status…
…can you believe those guys??!!! They really balled out in Tokyo to clinch the @WBCBaseball berth for 2026! 🤯 #CzechIN #baseballczech
Casually spreading the word about Czech Extraleague in Tokyo Dome 🇨🇿👋🏻 Our top league starts in less than two weeks, let's goooo! Schedule: extraliga.baseball.cz/rozpis-vysledky #CzechIN #baseballczech
🏟 #baseballczech 🇨🇿 🌍 チェコ代表の今大会 1⃣ vs🇨🇳 ○ 8-5 2⃣ vs🇯🇵 ● 2-10 3⃣ vs🇰🇷 ● 3-7 4⃣ vs🇦🇺 ● 3-8 ✅ 初出場で歴史的な初勝利!その戦いぶりは多くの野球ファンの心を掴みました💪 #CzechIN 🎦 @BaseballCzech
Prime Minister Petr Fiala met with members of national team. Players received commemorative certificates and a lapel pin from the Prime Minister as a thank you. CBA Chairman Petr Ditrich presented the national jersey to Mr. Fiala, NSA Chairman Ondrej Sebek. ⚾️🇨🇿 #baseballczech
SOGI TIES IT IN THE 3RD! The captain Zyma gets the first single and scores right after 👋🏻🇨🇿 1 – 1 🇦🇺 #CzechIN #baseballczech
Zalíbil se vám baseball díky výkonům české 🇨🇿reprezentace na @WBCBaseball ? Přidejte se k nám na webu: ceskohrajebaseball.cz 👈🏻 #baseballczech #jsmečesko #českohrajebaseball