As their story unravels, a timeless tale is told again... Arcaea for Nintendo Switch releases tomorrow. Are you prepared? illust: シエラ #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Arcaea will release digitally on the Nintendo Switch on May 18! The entire Arcaea team is proud to be able to bring you this labor of love, and we hope you look forward to experiencing Arcaea in a brand-new way! #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Switch版最初のDLCは『Ephemeral Page』。 Pack Append『The Journey Onward』、 こちらも含めた、1つのパックとして登場します。 もちろん、アリスとテニエルの物語も解禁可能。 全て『Ephemeral Page DLC』として配信予定。 #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
v2.0 brings the WACCA Collaboration to Arcaea for Nintendo Switch and Partners "Lily", "Saya & Elizabeth". The DLC brings 9 songs from... 9?... 3 songs brand new to Arcaea from WACCA make it to the Nintendo Switch. Will you witness their arrival? #arcaea #arcaeaswitch #WACCA
Only three more days until Arcaea comes to the Nintendo Switch! illust: 純粋 @junsui0906 #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Nintendo Switch版Arcaea、 セールも残り2日となりました。 ソフト本体10%オフ、DLCは50%オフ。 その他コラボ曲やオリジナル楽曲など、 セール対象は39曲。 忘れがたい『Arcaea』のストーリーを、 この機会にぜひご体験下さい。 #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Muse Dashコラボパックも併せて、2/24にSwitch版Arcaeaにやってきます! 本DLCではMemory Archiveから4曲と、 Muse Dashからの3曲とコラボ新曲が1つ、 そしてMuse Dashから『マリヤ』が登場! それぞれお楽しみに! #arcaea #MuseDash #arcaeaswitch
【お知らせ】 Nintendo Switch版『Arcaea』にWACCAの楽曲が登場します! 「Arcaea × WACCA」コラボで登場した6曲・パートナーに加え、新たに3つの楽曲が収録! ぜひお楽しみください! #arcaea #arcaeaswitch #WACCA twitter.com/arcaea_jp/stat…
Arcaea for Nintendo Switch is finally available on the eShop! Meet Shirahime, experience her story, and play the new Divided Heart songs with the Joy-Con controllers! Ready to see Arcaea in a whole new way? illust: シエラ #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
There are four days left before Arcaea releases on the Nintendo Switch eShop! illust: Softmode @Doomfest #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
2 days remain until the release of Arcaea for Nintendo Switch v2.0. A titan of will, long-slumbering, has finally awakened within you. Stand. Take a step... ...toward the end you will make. illust: みしゃも @0youmu #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
v2.0 of Arcaea for Nintendo Switch brings "Final Verdict" as a free update, completing Arcaea's Main Story. Axiom of the End on Switch now has unique progression tailored to one's sole journey. As a test of both your skill and heart, be prepared for it. #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Switch版Arcaea Ver. 1.3がリリース開始!Pack Append『Light of Salvation』とMuse Dashコラボパックに加えて、新パートナー『奈美』と『マリヤ』が登場! そんな新曲8つに加えて、さらにMemory Archiveとフリー楽曲、両方に4曲ずつ追加! ”光に向かって全力ダッシュ!” #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Ver.2.0のリリースを記念して、 Nintendo Switch版Arcaea本体は10%オフ、 以下のDLCは2週間、50%オフとなります! Ephemeral Page Esoteric Order Light of Salvation Groove Coaster Muse Dash およそ39曲がセール対象となります。 まだ見ぬArcaeaの一端を、ぜひこの機会に。 #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Arcaea for Nintendo Switch features a 100% new progression system. Travel through the world of Arcaea to progress its story, unlock new songs, and meet new Partners, all while enjoying a vast library of music. It will all be available offline! #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Nintendo Switch版Arcaea、 本日でセールは最終日! Ver. 2.0以前のDLCは50%オフ、 ソフト本体も10%オフ! #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Arcaea for Nintendo Switch reaches v2.0 on March 16th. This enormous update brings Final Verdict, Course Mode, Collaboration Packs, and much more, including rebalancing and other changes from the mobile version of Arcaea. #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Introducing Shirahime—the new Partner in Arcaea for Nintendo Switch, complete with her own storyline! She’d awakened with a crown on her head and a scepter in hand. At once she knew what they were, and she knew what they meant... #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Soon you'll be able to play Arcaea like never before... In addition to classic touchscreen gameplay, Arcaea for Nintendo Switch will include a controller play type which will bring a brand-new experience to over 150 songs. Play Arcaea on the go, anywhere! #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
Arcaea for the Nintendo Switch will release with a brand-new song pack: Divided Heart. All five of its songs are brand-new and first to release on the Nintendo Switch. They're a perfect opportunity to get acquainted with the new controller play type! #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
The light of stars has unfolded across the sky, ever expanding, toward distant worlds... Groove Coaster: Wai Wai Party!!!! will soon be arriving on Arcaea for Nintendo Switch! 8 songs will be available as DLC on 6/22—including 1 never before seen in Arcaea! #arcaea #arcaeaswitch
【告知です】 音楽ゲーム「Arcaea」さんにて「First Snow」という楽曲を書かせていただきました❄️ 5月18日に発売されるSwitch版にて最初から遊べるとの事で、楽しんでいただけたら嬉しいです(リリースおめでとうございます!!!!) どうぞよろしくお願いいたします……☃️ #arcaea #arcaeaswitch twitter.com/arcaea_jp/stat…