📺Sora's Senpai Club📺 The 4th Senpai is... ✨Shinichiro Kamio✨ Ask him YOUR questions! 🔻Here's how!🔻 1. Follow @imsora_desu 2. Reply to this tweet with:  🔹Your pen name  🔹Your country  🔹Your question 日本語告知はリプ欄にて⬇️ #aimusora
⭐️Present CPN #2⭐️ Win Kazuki Kato's & Aimu Sora's autographs! #加藤和樹 さんと アイムソラの連名サイン色紙をプレゼント! 🔻How to apply🔻 1⃣Follow @imsora_desu 2⃣Retweet this post (このアカウントをフォロー&RT) 💡Please read the instructions💡 #aimusora
📺Sora's Senpai Club w/ Kazuki Kato📺 ✨Episode #2✨ Did you know that he used to be shy?! Let's see what he has for Notice Me Senpai Gacha questions😋 #加藤和樹 さんとの第2話です! 皆からの質問に、ランダムで答えてくれているよ👍 🔻YouTube🔻 youtu.be/ficfvsaER5I #aimusora
⭐️Present CPN #1⭐️ Win Kazuki Kato's & Aimu Sora's autographs! #加藤和樹 さんと アイムソラの連名サイン色紙をプレゼント! 🔻How to apply🔻 1⃣Follow @imsora_desu 2⃣Retweet this post (このアカウントをフォロー&RT) 💡Please read the instructions💡 #aimusora
📺Sora's Senpai Club📺 ✨Senpai No.1🔹Kazuki Kato✨ The time has come! A HUGE THANKS to Kazuki as a first guest! ❤️Waiting for ur comments❤️ ついにスタート! 初回に登場してくれた #加藤和樹 Senpaiに最大の感謝! 感想待ってるよ! 🔻YouTube🔻 youtu.be/4KYnwLx3qlE #aimusora
⭐️Sora's Senpai Club⭐️ 🎉1st Anniv. & New Show🎉 New visual by Utako Yukihiro (@mielelatte )✨ 🎉1周年&新番組記念🎉 雪広うたこ先生撮り下ろしビジュアル公開✨ 🔻Schedule🔻 6/21~:Kazuki Kato (#加藤和樹 ) 7/12~:Kensho Ono(#小野賢章 ) 8/2~ :KENN(#KENN#aimusora
✨Sora's Senpai Club✨ Starts on June 21st 10PM JST on YouTube❗️ 6月21日以降、毎週日曜22時YouTubeで配信❗️ 🔻Senpai🔻 6/21~:Kazuki Kato (#加藤和樹 さん) 7/12~:Kensho Ono(#小野賢章 さん) 8/2~ :KENN(#KENN さん) and more! 🔻YouTube🔻 is.gd/04vOMY #aimusora
🎉Sora's Senpai Club Round 3🎉 The 3rd Senpai is... ✨KENN✨ Ask him YOUR questions! 🔻Here's how!🔻 1. Follow @imsora_desu 2. Reply to this tweet with:  🔹Your pen name  🔹Your country  🔹Your question 日本語告知はリプ欄にて⬇️ #aimusora #KENN
🎉Sora's Senpai Club Round 2🎉 Our next guest is Kensho Ono!!! Ask him YOUR questions! ✨Here's how!✨ 1. Follow Sora's Twitter account 2. Reply to this tweet with:  🔹Your pen name  🔹Your country  🔹Your question 日本語告知はリプ欄にて⬇️ #aimusora
🎉アイムソラ新番組スタート🎉 第一回目のゲストは、#加藤和樹 さんです! 番組用に皆さんからの質問を募集します! ✨以下質問ルールです✨ 1. アイムソラのTwitterをフォロー 2. このツイートに以下をリプライ  🔹ペンネーム  🔹お住まいの国  🔹質問事項 Stay tuned👍 #aimusora
🎉Get ready for Sora's NEW show!🎉 Kazuki Kato Senpai is my 1st guest! And I want YOUR questions! ✨Here's how!✨ 1. Follow Sora's Twitter account 2. Reply to this tweet with:  🔹Your pen name  🔹Your country  🔹Your Question 日本語告知はリプ欄にて⬇️ #aimusora
⭐️Aimu Sora Comic #4⭐️ Gacha really is a hell☠️ Isn't it!? Who has done something similar to this! Me! ...In the end, I think it really doesn't matter what you do... 結論。ガチャとは、Hell=地獄である。 これと同じことやったことある人!? #aimusora twitter.com/imsora_desu/st…
⭐Aimu Sora Comic #3⭐ Does anyone feel my pain? If you've ever suffered or are suffering from Gacha hell, tell me what you do when you draw! How should I deal with this... …同じ経験ある人いる…のかね? いや、いるはずだ。 みんな…がちゃどうやって回してる?? #aimusora
⭐Aimu Sora Comic #2⭐ The world's most popular comic is having its second episode(*゚▽゚)ノ HAHAHA! Isn't this one of the best way to enjoy weekends? 全米が笑った! 大人気、超大人気4コマ劇場ーー! テヘ。 この過ごし方、リア充だと思うんだけど。そう思わぬかね? #aimusora
🎉Produced by avex trax🎉 アイムソラ本日正式にデビュー! 「Around SORA」公開! たくさん聞いてくれると嬉しいです!! I'm debuting officially today! Please listen to my music a lot on YouTube so I can do more fun things!! 🎶Around SORA🎶 youtu.be/ocqMZu64g5g #aimusora
🎉Aimu Sora Debut Single "Step by step"🎉 Check check! やっと…やっと皆に届けられます! アイムソラ初の楽曲リリース! たくさん聞いてくれると嬉しいです! Finally! This is my first song that I've been working on! I hope you like it! Full ver.⬇️ youtu.be/OSBtjDb7KOw #aimusora
🎉New Video🎉 I got a special job(*´∇`)ノ This is the sneak peek of the A3! prologue for the upcoming English version! I tried not to talk much... Who's ready for the release!? And tell me how excited you are!! URL⬇️ youtu.be/51_10ZDw2Tw #aimusora #a3game
OH NO! I'm so sorry! The character poll's link was wrong! Here's the correct one, so please vote again for your favorite A3! character! And please check my A3! video series! A3! Poll🔽 jp.research.net/r/TF3XXHQ A3! intro video🔽 youtu.be/n2X0EQ2iXYk #aimusora #a3game
🎉NEW VIDEO🎉 世界中の皆をドキドキで壊しまくった…うた☆プリ! 皆の推しは誰かね?? 俺は一十木音也くんっ! I'm fanboying about my favorite idols Utapri( ✧Д✧) Let me know who's your favorite! Mine is Otoya kun! URL↓ youtu.be/aF_t-k-FdyM #aimusora
初めまして、アイムソラです! 明日からデビューで、ぼちぼち動画をあげていこうと思いますっ(❁´◡`❁) みんな、よろしくねっ♪ Hi!! I'm Aimu Sora...er, I'm Sora!! I'm debuting tomorrow so check out my videos! I hope you like them!! ♡ ...Yay! #aimusora