#aespaLiveAtCoachella hashtag hit 500K (500,000) tweets 👏 It is still trending in some countries with half million tweets and still counting! #aespaCoachella #aespa @aespa_official
.@aespa_official's first live concert happened in no other than @coachella, a dream stage for global musicians. Indeed, "Life's Too Short" for the rookies raging on to live their dreams. ✨ Here's a wrap-up of #aespa's Coachella debut: bit.ly/3LjlTpG 🔥 #aespaCoachella
220424 louballout Instagram update with aespa "I couldn't believe my eyes either" instagram.com/p/Ccud39xu1lI/… #aespaLiveatCoachella #aespa #aespaCoachella @aespa_official
에스파, 美 코첼라 달궜다! 최대 음악축제에서 미국 첫 라이브 무대 성공적 데뷔! 히트곡 퍼레이드에 미공개 신곡 ‘Life’s Too Short’ 무대까지! 데뷔 후 첫 함성 속 공연 펼쳐! 강렬한 퍼포먼스로 현지 관객 매료! bit.ly/3Oxt0fU #aespa #æspa #에스파 #aespaCoachella #88rising
mys, drop the tags! AESPA YOU DID WELL #aespaLiveAtCoachella #aespa #aespaCoachella @aespa_official
🌐 Worldwide Twitter Trends #1 - #aespaLiveAtCoachella  👑 #4 - ningning #11 - FEEL THE COACHELLA AENERGY #15 - giselle #26 - Life's Too Short #42 - karina #44 - Next Level #aespaCoachella #aespa @aespa_official
#aespa 米コーチェラ メインステージ登場… 成功デビューステージ aespaはデビュー後、米国での初のライブステージを最大音楽祭「コーチェラ」で披露した。現地の観客は公演が行われる中、aespaに向けて熱い歓声を送るなど、情熱的に公演を楽しんだ #aespaCoachella #Coachella #Coachella2022
Less than two years into debut, @aespa_official performed alongside some of the world's biggest stars at the 2022 @coachella, proving an unparalleled stage presence as rookies! 🔥 Hope to see them again next year! 🙌 #aespaCoachella #aespa #Coachella2022
我らがジゼル穣がCoachellaでも煽り散らかしてたのでまとめてみた #aespaCoachella #aespa #エスパ #コーチェラ
.@aespa_official's new song unveiled at Coachella today is "Life's Too Short." The quartet opened their show with subtitle track, "aenergy," going onto perform hits, "Black Mamba," "Next Level," "Savage," and finally, the unreleased song: "Life's Too Short." 🔥 #aespaCoachella
We're very proud of you girls! You did very well and we love you so much! 🤍 AESPA YOU DID WELL FEEL THE COACHELLA AENERGY #aespaLiveAtCoachella #aespaCoachella #aespa @aespa_official
🌐 Worldwide Twitter Trends #1 - #aespaLiveAtCoachella  👑 #6 - ningning #13 - FEEL THE COACHELLA AENERGY #16 - giselle #32 - Life's Too Short #43 - karina #45 - Next Level #aespaCoachella #aespa @aespa_official
#aespa コーチェラ出撃! カッコよかった!メインステージで20分5曲をパフォーマンス #Coachella   #aespaCoachella
🌐 Worldwide Twitter Trends #1 - #aespaLiveAtCoachella  👑 #12 - ningning #13 - FEEL THE COACHELLA AENERGY #22 - giselle #aespaCoachella #aespa @aespa_official
#aespa コーチェラ登場! セットリスト - aenergy - Black Mamba - Savage - Life's Too Short - Next Level youtu.be/CLy0wA4If2k #Coachella  #aespaCoachella
220424 aespa at #Coachella 🔥 you did a great job aespa 🎉 #aespaLiveatCoachella #aespa #aespaCoachella @aespa_official
🌐 Worldwide Twitter Trends #1 - #aespaLiveAtCoachella 👑 👑 #aespaCoachella #aespa @aespa_official
WINTER AT COACHELLA 2022 🎉 "an icon, a legend, the moment" #WINTER #aespaLiveAtCoachella #aespa #aespaCoachella @aespa_official @hiver_wt