Full English subbed EP1 of #StreetDanceOfChinaS3 is complete & now encoding❤️ We will be tweeting links for everyone tomorrow, so please watch out for it!🙏 #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG #GOT7 @JacksonWang852 #WangYibo #ZhangYixing #ZhongHanliang
EngSub SDC3 Let's Chat EP1 一起火锅吧🥘 Dailymotion:dailymotion.com/video/x7vy3ir MEGA:mega.nz/file/fksShKzI#… Please also support our Captain @JacksonWang852's new single Pretty Please Sept 4 12AM EST🙏 #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #WangYibo #ZhangYixing #ZhongHanliang #StreetDanceOfChina3
EngSub 200822 #StreetDanceofChina3 EP6 MEGA:mega.nz/folder/hrphRS6… Googledrive:drive.google.com/file/d/148DsS0… Due to technical error we were unable to upload to dailymotion but will try again tmrw(1/2) #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 @JacksonWang852 #WangYibo #ZhangYixing #ZhongHanliang
EngSubs for #StreetDanceofChina3 EP2 is finished & will be uploaded tomorrow! Also want to take this opportunity to thank fans of the other captains for helping us sub SDC3❤️ Thank you all & let’s have a great season together!🥰 #JacksonWang #WangYibo #ZhangYixing #ZhongHanliang
EngSub Street Dance of China 3 Special thanks to everyone who joined the JiaerSubs team and helped complete this project❤ #StreetDanceofChina3 #JacksonWang  #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG #GOT7 @JacksonWang852 #WangYibo #ZhangYixing #ZhongHanliang twitter.com/i/events/13187…
EngSub 201003 #StreetDanceofChina3 EP12 Finals Thread The episode is split into 3 sections: 12_1, 12_2, & 12_3. Links will be added below as the videos get completed❤ #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #잭슨 #TEAMWANG @JacksonWang852 #WangYibo #ZhangYixing #ZhongHanliang
Hi everyone, due to #StreetDanceofChina3 EP8 being longer in length, the video is taking longer to encode as well. We will not be able to upload at our regular time this week but will upload tomorrow instead🙏 #JacksonWang #王嘉尔 #WangYibo #ZhangYixing #ZhongHanliang