The aftermath of #Zhengzhou rainstorm at Jing-Guang highway tunnel. Drivers, passengers and families were still in their seats when the flood water came...
Prayers to #Zhengzhou lao bai xing, but the CCP government is doing exactly the same as what they did in #Wuhan ------ COVER UP!
Welcome to #China. Care to stay in this magnificent luxury #Covid camps in #Zhengzhou City?
#Covid19 #AmazingChina #CCPVirus #CCPChina
Watch until 28” to see something is moving inside the garbage bag in the dormitory area of #Foxconn’s #Zhengzhou #iPhone city when the clean the factory on Nov 4, after many workers fled. What is in that bag?
#Covid #CCPChina #AmazingChina #ZeroCovid
If you believe any number announced by the CCP government in #Zhengzhou, just think of a place called #Wuhan. No fact could come out from a totalitarian regime. It's a fact you have witnessed too many times.
The best method to prevent people from escaping during #lockdown, in #Zhengzhou, Henan Province, #CCPChina.
#COVID19, #CCPVirus #AmazingChina #COVID
"This is a man-made disaster"
Workers went back to factory after they clashed with police. “Down with #Foxconn! Finish Foxconn!” They shouted while walking.
At #iPhone city in #Zhengzhou #CCPChina. See my previous tweets for more.
The extreme weather conditions had been predicted and multiple red alarms had been sent out , but all these life saving signals were ignored by the CCP government at #Zhengzhou. People were unprepared when flood water arrived.
It says all. How the CCP government treats Chinese people when their homes were ruined by the flood 👇
Jing-Guang highway tunnel was filled by flood water within 5 minutes. People close to the exit were able to escape, but those in the middle of the tunnel had no chance to survive...
#Zhengzhou twitter.com/Q_May_007/stat…
This is the moment before the flood water completely filled up the Jing-Guang highway tunnel. People were stuck in the middle. Hundreds of cars packed the entire tunnel. These people might not be alive anymore...
#Zhengzhou twitter.com/jsdfposjpqyuee…
A semi-truck loaded with corpses was leaving the Jing-Guang highway tunnel late at night.
#Zhengzhou twitter.com/ChazukeNice/st…
Water supply in communities has not been restored yet, so people have to collect rainwater as their clean water supply. No one knows how long this will continue.