First week schedule WOOOOO!! Hope to see y'all tomorrow night, fellow degens~💛 【Hashtags】🙃♾️ General - #ZaionLanZa LIVE - #ZaiOnline Art - #ZaiOnPaper Clips - #ZaiOnTV NSFW - #ZaiOnTop Memes - #ZaiOnCrack Thumbnails - #LanZasset Fans - TBD on Intro 2.0! GROUP: #XSOLEIL
2nd week schedule! YAYYY~ So excited for all the fun collabs~🙏💛 【Hashtags】🙃♾ General - #ZaionLanZa LIVE - #ZaiOnline Art - #ZaiOnPaper Clips - #ZaiOnTV NSFW - #ZaiOnTop Memes - #ZaiOnCrack Thumbnails - #LanZasset Fans - #Zaimons GROUP: #XSOLEIL TYSM!🎨by @/MiL2_milky
♦️: 🖤 doesn't know Miku ☂️: WHAT?! 🖤: What is it? Is it like an anime or something? ♦️: WHAT. IS. IT?! DID YOU JUST CALL MIKU AN "IT"?! 🐣: 🖤 has never listened to a single vocaloid 💖: 🖤, you need therapy #HexLivewire #ZaiOnTV #VerIn4k #Dropstonight #Meloclip #Toratime
♦️: I think you're pretty close to the chest, huh 🙃: y-yeah.. yeah what about it.. -- ♦️: Let me just turn on some bgm for you 🙃: *trying to bargain for her life lmao* ♦️: *kills 🙃 with dramatic bgm* ♦️: Oh did something happen?😊 #VerIn4k #LiVermillion #ZaiOnTV #ZaiOnline