3/(?) お誕生日おめでとう🎁 Hi, our birthday boy #YUGOBIRTHDAY2022 #YugoAsuma #AsumArt I just want you know that you really become my motivation. Your voice, your music and all if you are just perfect the way they already are.
🐰: (윙크하는 유고 그리는 중) 🎧: (진짜로 윙크 포즈 계속 취함) 유고는 이제 이정도면 윙크 장인경지 (니지산지EN, 유고, 마리아) #Clippetts #yuclip #YugoAsuma
I just miss him so much🥺 ユーゴoppa どこにいるの?🥺 我真的很想他🥺 #YugoAsuma
英語伝言ゲーム切り抜き 誰よ!そのスティーブン! 元配信🎧 【伝言ゲーム】English Telephone game!! youtu.be/Y9UJi8DalME #YugoAsuma #YugoONAIR 画像素材:PIXTA
Noctyxマスコット達を苺ジャム&ホイップクリーム攻撃して美味しく捕食する遊間ユーゴ😱😱🤣 最高のBGMも添えて🤣 Noctyx mascotsStrawberry Jam & Whipped Cream YugoAsuma attacks and preys deliciously😱😱🤣 400KCongratulationᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ🎉 🔗【youtu.be/1dkitDt6u1M#yuclip #YugoAsuma
【ENG SUB】 Personally the funniest moment LMAOOO Yugo: (bo ke) dumb😎 Shu: (boke tsu) grave😄 Yugo: AHHHHHHHHHHH😭😭😭 JP common phrase: 墓穴を掘る(Boketsu wo horu) mean “Dig one’s own grave” Also the butt hair WTH 🤣🤣 #ShuYamino #Shuclip #shuclipEN #YugoAsuma #Yuclip
Our DJ will always be a member of Noctyx in my heart. #YugoAsuma
Ike and Yugo singing One ok rock songs(Mighty long fall and Ending story) TSKR🙏🙏🙏 youtube.com/watch?v=Xrbtmd… #SliceofIke #ikeStreamland #IkeEveland #Yuclip #YugoAsuma
Uki singing a happy birthday song for Yugo 🎉🎊 morning voice TSKR #UkiLive #UkiVioleta #YugoAsuma #YugoONAIR
7/10ミスタ突発Twitch配信にて ミスタ、ユーゴと出会う① #MystaLive #MystaWorldWide #YugoAsuma #yuclip
#にじさんじ甲子園 Clip】 本戦Bリーグ 🦁同時視聴枠 ユーゴの言葉エモかった コーヴァスGO!! #YugoAsuma 🎧 #lucalive (youtu.be/xR2tXdDl9H4)
Going home #AsumArt #YugoAsuma
팬이 만들어 준 풍경을 사랑스럽다는 듯이 쳐다보는 유고 오빠🫶 (저 각도로 올려다보는 유고 정말 레어해서 킵해뒀던 클립) #yuclip #YugoAsuma #유고아스마_한국어클립
🐰I win ですわ〜!!! 🎧ああああああああ Mariaちゃんつよつよだった🥺 わからせられるYugo最高でした😂 ⚠️意訳 #Yuclip #YugoONAIR #YugoAsuma #Clippetts #MariOnAir #MariaMarionette 🎥【youtu.be/AAAO-wsJ0pY
「歌続くの約束して、お互いにな。」 #AsumArt #YugoAsuma #miyu_ottaviart
青い空を見上げて、少しずつ前を向き続ける★彡 #AsumArt #YugoAsuma 🔽
#YugoAsuma Happy birthday to you~ My dear Oshi~ Hi. How are you doing? Do you remember? Today is your birthday. So, I'm making homemake cheesecake for you. I hope you like it. Even we not stay in same timeline now but.... That still ok~ Let's celebrate together~💙
(소리 끊겨서 재업) Wherever You Are - One Ok Rock Cover by Yugo 사랑한다 김유고.. #YugoAsuma #yuclip twitter.com/sio_clip/statu…
recharging-energy中 U・x・U #AsumArt #YugoAsuma
Asterくんの"MOM" It's soooo cute!TSKR🛐😇💫💜 And Thank you for asking Yugo for vocal training💜💙 🎥【youtu.be/ZySgndm_BF4#Yuclip #YugoONAIR #Clippetts #AiaAmareLIVE #AsterArcadia #RenZotto #ScarleLive #YugoAsuma #ILUNA #MariaMarionette
cute kitten💙 Tskr ~ #AsumArt #YugoAsuma
🎧The most basic Japanese you need to know? 🤲甲しわけございません 🔮こんにちは 🐑その難しい日本語わかりません 🎧ありがとう L M A O ⚠️意訳 #Yuclip #YugoONAIR #Brisklips #Ukilipse #OVideos #YugoAsuma 🎩【youtu.be/3X60kv8jgo4
可是 Yugo就是這一點很可愛🥺 #YugoAsuma #AsumArt #YugoONAIR