[#SEVENTEEN JAPAN NEWS] SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album「Your Choice」のリリースを記念して渋谷・大阪の街頭ビジョン放映中! Amazon Musicでお聴きください♪ @amazonmusicjp amzn.to/3wJQh51 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love
#SEVENTEEN 🥇「#LINEMUSIC」チャート2冠🥇 \ 「#Your_Choice」よりタイトル曲「#Ready_to_love」が「#LINEMUSIC」の総合デイリー&K-Popデイリーチャートにて1位を獲得しました😭㊗️🎉 music.line.me/webapp/album/m… 💎CARAT宝石の皆さん💎 🙇本当にありがとうございます🙇 @LINEMUSIC_JP
#SEVENTEEN 👏#Spotify 急上昇チャートTOP10入り👏 \ 「#Your_Choice」よりタイトル曲「#Ready_to_love」が「#Spotify」の急上昇チャート8位までチャートアップ⤴😇🙌✨ open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN… 💎CARAT💎の皆さん、ありがとうございます‼️ そしておめでとうございます👏㊗ @SpotifyJP
#SEVENTEEN#ドワンゴジェイピー 1位㊗ \ SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album「#Your_Choice」が「ドワンゴジェイピー」のデイリーアルバムチャート1位を獲得しました👏👏 CARATの皆さん、ありがとうございます!!💎 ポストカードが当たるCPも開催中です🙌 pc.dwango.jp/portals/album/… @dwango_jp_PR
#SEVENTEEN 🕺✨「#レコチョク」2位✨🕺 \ SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album「#Your_Choice」が「#レコチョク」アルバムデイリーランキングにて2位までチャートアップ🙌🎉 1位までもう少し😇✨💨 レコチョクではメンバーソロポストカードが当たるCPも開催中‼️ recochoku.jp/album/A2002251… @recochoku_jp
#SEVENTEEN 🎉「#AWA」1位&上位チャートイン🎉 \ 「#Your_Choice」よりタイトル曲「#Ready_to_love」が「#AWA」の【洋楽】新着楽曲トップ100にて1位獲得👏👏 その他楽曲もチャート上位席巻です😇🙌 s.awa.fm/track/c548a994… CARATの皆さん、本当にありがとうございます🙇🙏 @AWA_official
.@pledis_17's 8th mini-album #Your_Choice is OUT NOW! The promoted track #Ready_to_love is also on major playlists on Spotify! The initial 1-week goal of 3M plays is still achievable if we stream altogether for the rest of the week 🔥💎 #SVT_ReCOMEBACK open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
It's reCOMEBACK day!!! Go stream #Your_Choice on Spotify to reach our first week goals of 2.5M streams for #Ready_to_love and 800k for other songs on the album! Don't forget to Shazam the songs too! 🎨: open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN… @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #SVT_ReCOMEBACK #ㅁㅎ
.#SVT_ReCOMEBACK day means you have to share #Ready_to_love to your IG and FB stories once again! Keep streaming and Sharing the song so it reaches people outside our bubble! 💎 @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #Your_Choice open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
[#SEVENTEEN JAPAN NEWS] 2021年6月20日付けオリコンデイリーアルバムランキングでSEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album「#Your_Choice」が1位を獲得しました🎉🎉 CARATの皆様、引き続きの応援ありがとうございます! oricon.co.jp/rank/ja/d/2021…
It's official! #Your_Choice has surpassed Henggarae's first week sales! Your Choice sales on its 4TH DAY: 1, 113, 734 Henggarae first week sales: 1, 097, 891 Congratulations #SEVENTEEN! @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #ㅁㅎ
[INFO] As of June 21, 2021, #SEVENTEEN is now occupying the 4th & 5th spot for artists with the Highest 1st Week Album Sales. 4. SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice 1, 113, 734 [NEW] 5. SEVENTEEN 헹가래 1, 097, 891 Congratulations, @pledis_17 and CARATs! #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love #ㅁㅎ
#Ready_to_love is now currently @pledis_17's 5th most popular song on Spotify! KEEP SHARING AND STREAMING, CARATs!💎❤ #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice Link:open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
SEVENTEEN(세븐틴) 'Ready to love' M/V BEHIND THE SCENES ▶ youtu.be/IMogAaD3jxk #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love
[ATTENTION] Hello Carats! The #PowerOfLoveFestival is ALL DAY Today! Please post your selcas, covers, edits, fashion, art and photography to celebrate @pledis_17’s newest album #Your_Choice with your fellow Carats! 🎨 @pledis_17 @pledis_17jp #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #ㅅㅍ
[VOTE] Less than 2 hours left before this poll ends! CARATs, vote for #SEVENTEEN for them to be featured on The Kraze magazine's next minizine. @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love twitter.com/krazemag/statu…
#Ready_to_love has garnered 494,564 plays on Spotify in its 3rd day. Total is now at 1,457,832 plays. KEEP STREAMING CARATS!!! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
#Your_Choice has garnered 1,459,716 plays on Spotify in its 3rd day moving the total to 4,787,495 plays! KEEP STREAMING CARATS! DAY 4 WILL END IN 9 HOURS! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
#Your_Choice Day3 album streams on Spotify. We did soooo much better compared to Henggarae and Semicolon Day3 but i know we can still do better. Please keep streaming carats! Use multiple accounts if you have multiple devices 💎🙏 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love
#세븐틴 미니 8집 #Your_Choice 타이틀곡 뮤직비디오 촬영 디스패치 현장 포토가 공개되었습니다. 에스쿱스 entertain.naver.com/read?oid=433&a… 정한 entertain.naver.com/read?oid=433&a… 조슈아 entertain.naver.com/read?oid=433&a…
청량 더하고 로맨틱 더한💕 세븐틴 표 사랑법! #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love
[NOTICE] It's quiz time again with Pledis! Join the quiz, and get a chance to win a signed #Your_Choice Album! Stream the MV if you want to get the correct answer on this 1-item quiz 😉. ▶️: youtu.be/yCvSR4lSqTg youtube.com/user/pledisart… @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #ㅁㅎ twitter.com/pledisnews/sta…
Our physical sales is doing REALLY GOOD. Now, we shall also give a lot of attention to our streams or else the points from physical sales will not be enough for music show wins! [1/2] MV: youtu.be/yCvSR4lSqTg Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu… @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #Your_Choice
[#SEVENTEEN JAPAN NEWS] 昨日に引き続き、2021年6月21日付けオリコンデイリーアルバムランキングでSEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album「#Your_Choice 」が1位を獲得しました🎉 CARATのみなさま、ありがとうございます! 引き続き応援のほどよろしくお願いいたします。 oricon.co.jp/rank/ja/d/2021…