[STREAM] 210625 #SEVENTEEN's #Ready_to_love Offial MV has surpassed 24M views! Let's get it to 25M soon, and reach our 1st-week goal of 30M before 6PM KST! ▶️: youtu.be/yCvSR4lSqTg @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #SVT_Ready_to_love twitter.com/SVTGlobal/stat…
[STREAM] CARATs, we've reached our initial 1st-week goal for #Your_Choice on Spotify (8M). Let's now aim for 9.5M streams! Let's get #Ready_to_love to 3M Spotify streams as well! 🎨: open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN… @pledis_17 @pledis_17jp #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #ㅁㅎ twitter.com/svt_spotify/st…
Biggest 1st week album debuts on Spotify 1. #Your_Choice - 8.43M (6 days only) 2. Semicolon - 7.2M 3. Heng:garae - 7.1M @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
#Your_Choice 6-day album streams update on Spotify. Please keep streaming carats! Use multiple accounts if you have multiple devices 💎🙏 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love
#Your_Choice has garnered 1,076,461 plays on Spotify in its 6th day moving the total to 8,425,814 plays! LETS PUSH TO 9.5M CARATS!!! 🙏 KEEP STREAMING @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
Biggest 1st week song debuts on Spotify #1 #Ready_to_love - 2.86M (6 days only) #2 Left & Right - 2.6M #3 HOME_RUN - 2.4M @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
#Ready_to_love gained 433,224 plays on Spotify in its 6th day. Total is now at 2,868,547 plays. KEEP STREAMING CARATS!!! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
Join @WorldwideCarats on stationhead now! Tracking week for Billboard will end in less than 13 hours. Spotify charts for Day 7 will end in less than 9 hours too. Let's boost our streams for #Ready_to_love and #Your_Choice!!! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 share.stationhead.com/gvbPi0DOGIr
#SEVENTEEN has a HIGH CHANCE of winning if we'll do decently on digitals. Tracking is from June 21-28. Now, please stream! Melon: bit.ly/3zyyHmp Genie: bit.ly/3vxcCBn @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love
#SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album <Your Choice> 초동판매량 : 1,364,1XX #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love @pledis_17
[STREAM] CARATs, let's reach our 1st-week goal for #Your_Choice to have 8M (initial) - 9.5M (adjusted & achievable goal set by @svt_spotify) with #Ready_to_love having 3M Spotify streams. 🎨: open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN… @pledis_17 @pledis_17jp #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #ㅁㅎ
【SEVENTEEN】 『Your Choice』の発売を記念して、メンバーからUNIVERSAL MUSIC STOREをご覧の皆さまへコメントが到着! 商品のご購入はこちらから bit.ly/3gNruaJ #SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice #UNIVERSAL_MUSIC_STORE #コメント #ONE_SIDE #OTHER_SIDE #BESIDE #CARAT #オリジナル特典
We are so proud of you, @pledis_17! Always. We are so lucky to know and adore a group of all-rounders. #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love twitter.com/pledis_17/stat…
/ 🎁#ドワンゴ キャンペーン🎁 ✨本日23:59まで✨ \ #SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album「#Your_Choice」を「#ドワンゴジェイピーストア」にてご購入頂いた方の中から抽選で13名様にメンバーソロポストカードをプレゼント👏✨ 🎁キャンペーンは本日23:59まで🙌 pc.dwango.jp/portals/album/… @dwango_jp_PR
/ 🙌#レコチョク キャンペーン🙌 本日23:59まで‼️💨 \ SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album「#Your_Choice」を「レコチョク」にてご購入頂いた方の中から抽選で13名様にメンバーソロポストカードをプレゼント🎁👏✨ 🎁キャンペーンは本日23:59まで🙇😭 recochoku.jp/album/A2002251… @recochoku_jp #SEVENTEEN
[STREAM] Let's give it our all, and stream as much as we can to make #SEVENTEEN reach their goal in hitting the Billboard charts while we also achieve music show wins! [1/2] MV: youtu.be/yCvSR4lSqTg Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu… @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #Your_Choice
Biggest 1st week album debuts on Spotify 1. #Your_Choice - 7.34M (5 days only) 2. Semicolon - 7.2M 3. Heng:garae - 7.1M @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
1st week Goal for #Your_Choice was 8M streams. 2 days left and its really really achievable in just 6 days. Let's try to push 9.5M in 7 days, shall we? We can achieve that by streaming!!! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 twitter.com/svt_spotify/st…
#Your_Choice 5-day album streams update on Spotify. Please keep streaming carats! Use multiple accounts if you have multiple devices 💎🙏 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love
#Your_Choice tracks "Heaven's Cloud" and "Anyone" are the fastest album tracks of SEVENTEEN to reach 1 Million Streams on Spotify (5 days). @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
#Your_Choice has garnered 1,188,866 plays on Spotify in its 5th day moving the total to 7,349,353 plays! KEEP STREAMING CARATS! DAY 6 WILL END IN 8 HOURS! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
#Ready_to_love gained 462,010 plays on Spotify in its 5th day. Total is now at 2,435,323 plays. KEEP STREAMING CARATS!!! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
#SEVENTEEN ㊗️「#Rakutenmusic」1位㊗ \ 「#Your_Choice」よりタイトル曲「#Ready_to_love」が楽天ミュージックのリアルタイムチャートにて1位獲得いたしました😇🎉✨🎊✌️🥇 music.rakuten.co.jp/link/album/182… CARATの皆さん🙌🥇 いつも本当にありがとうございます🙇🙏 @rmusic_official
#Ready_to_love is now @pledis_17's most popular song on Spotify! KEEP SHARING AND STREAMING, CARATs!💎❤ #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice Link:open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…