.@pledis_17 | #Your_Choice  (10.07) Total streams: 18,727,900 (+421,385) Let's stream harder to get to 20 Million quickly !! #SEVENTEEN    #세븐틴  open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
[STREAM] To the attendees of our Professor Boo's We Remember K-POP class, please pay your fees accordingly by listening to #Ready_to_love! Watch its MV too! ▶️: youtu.be/yCvSR4lSqTg 🎨: open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN… @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice
[INFO] 210618 Five minutes before the comeback and SEVENTEEN is trending on Melon Realtime Search! Their power! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_Love #ㅁㅎ
SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album 'Your Choice' BESIDE Ver. 에스쿱스 정한 조슈아 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
#Ready_to_love gained 462,010 plays on Spotify in its 5th day. Total is now at 2,435,323 plays. KEEP STREAMING CARATS!!! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album ‘Your Choice’ Official Photo BESIDE Ver.2 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
Countdown hashtag for D-1 before #SEVENTEEN's comeback! #️⃣.All_Our_Love + READY TO LOVE D1 + @pledis_17 🗓️: June 16, 11 PM KST Please refer to the clip for recommendations. #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love CHECK REPLIES FOR MORE DETAILS.
While SEVENTEEN and their staff are on quarantine, let's be the one to promote the #Your_Choice . Let's work harder, CARATs. Let's head towards our goals altogether. @pledis_17 #Ready_to_love #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #ㅁㅎ https://t.co/tyGFx3Sgb6
We are so proud of you, @pledis_17! Always. We are so lucky to know and adore a group of all-rounders. #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love twitter.com/pledis_17/stat…
2021.06.17 (목) 💎 00:00 SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album ‘Your Choice’ Official Teaser #2 📺 20:50 채널S JOB동산 (승관) 💎 22:00 'Your Choice' Official Listening Party 📢 D-1 #Ready_to_love #Your_Choice #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN @pledis_17
[REMINDER] Use the following tags for #Your_Choice Release. 6/16 11PM KST #.All_Our_Love + READY TO LOVE D1 + @pledis_17 6/17 11PM KST #.우리의_일편단심_선택_세븐틴 #.ForeverOurChoice_SVT 6/18 5PM KST #.세븐틴과캐럿은 _늘_레디투러브 #.AlwaysReadyToLove_SVT #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 twitter.com/SVT_HashTag/st…
OH MY! #Your_Choice is now the Top 1 #SEVENTEEN album when it comes to first day sales! It surpassed #Henggarae which had 462, 003 first day sales! @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #ㅁㅎ twitter.com/koreansales_tw…
[INFO] RT TO SPREAD Please watch at least 30 secs of #Ready_to_love AD or the whole AD itself, as views will only count if you do so! If you are not able to see the ADs yet, please stream the MV properly! ▶️: youtu.be/yCvSR4lSqTg @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #ㅁㅎ twitter.com/SVTGlobal/stat…
Join @WorldwideCarats on stationhead now! Tracking week for Billboard will end in less than 13 hours. Spotify charts for Day 7 will end in less than 9 hours too. Let's boost our streams for #Ready_to_love and #Your_Choice!!! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 share.stationhead.com/gvbPi0DOGIr
.@pledis_17 | #Your_Choice 🇰🇷 Top Songs Weekly (06/18-24) #20 - #Ready_to_love - 39,092 plays #47 - Anyone - 22,781 #50 - Heaven's Cloud - 21,742 #66 - GAM3 BO1 - 18,769 #81 - Samex3 - 16,309 #87 - Wave - 15,909 open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album 'Your Choice' ONE SIDE Ver. 💖💙 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
.@pledis_17 | #Your_Choice  (23.07) Total streams: 23,908,970 (+366,543) #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴  open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
[VIEWS] 210620 After 48 hrs & 25 mins since #Ready_to_love's Official MV release, it has reached 13.4M views & 697k likes! Congratulations, and let's continue to stream PROPERLY, CARATs! ▶️: youtu.be/yCvSR4lSqTg @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #ㅁㅎ