.@pledis_17's 8th mini-album #Your_Choice is OUT NOW! The promoted track #Ready_to_love is also on major playlists on Spotify! The initial 1-week goal of 3M plays is still achievable if we stream altogether for the rest of the week 🔥💎 #SVT_ReCOMEBACK open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
#Your_Choice 12-day album streams update on Spotify. Keep streaming the album and #Ready_to_love!!! 💎💖 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴
Are you ready to 'love' with SEVENTEEN? Are you ready to witness the #Power_of_Love? Well, it's #Your_Choice! Let us fill our 2021 with love, CARATs and @pledis_17! SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) 2021 Concept Trailer : Power of 'Love' ▶️: youtu.be/ph7XyUubh9Y
#Your_Choice 8-day album streams update on Spotify. Let us achieve 2.5M streams for #Ready_to_love and 6M streams for the album on Week 2!!! 💎💖 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴
SEVENTEEN members' solo profiles has been updated on Spotify! Make sure to follow them all! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love
#Your_Choice 10-day album streams update on Spotify. Keep streaming the album and #Ready_to_love!!! 💎💖 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴
#Ready_to_love is now currently @pledis_17's 5th most popular song on Spotify! KEEP SHARING AND STREAMING, CARATs!💎❤ #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice Link:open.spotify.com/track/2FymmKBu…
ALL #Your_Choice tracks now has a canvas available on Spotify! The Unit tracks has a special canvas featuring only the members of each respective unit. Go check it now on Spotify! @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #Ready_to_love #ReadytoLove1stwin open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
⚪️⚪️⚪️ #세븐틴     #SEVENTEEN     #디에잇 #서명호 #徐明浩 #THE8 #Your_Choice 
210704 팬사인회 출근 ☔오늘도🤍☔화이팅🤍☔🤍 #SEVENTEEN #Joshua #세븐틴 #조슈아 #ジョシュア #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love
210711ㅤ 중국 영통팬싸🇨🇳ㅤ 진짜 천사예요... >_<♡ #Your_Choice #디에잇 #THE8 #서명호 #徐明浩  #seventeen   #Ready_to_love  #세븐틴
[INFO] 210625 #SEVENTEEN is nominated for #1 in today's Music Bank with #Ready_to_love! We're hoping for a 1st win despite the halt of promotions 💛. @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #SVT_Ready_to_love
SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album 'Your Choice' OTHER SIDE Ver. 준 호시 원우 우지 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
#Your_Choice 7-day album streams update on Spotify. We achieved all the initial goals we set for Spotify in 1st week. Keep streaming carats 💎 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love
#Your_Choice Scoups 🖤💐
Congratulations @pledis_17 and CARATs for achieving 881, 788 physical sales on Hanteo for #Your_Choice's first day! We have broken another record of our own again, and even became the Top 4 in the list of Highest First Day Sales on Hanteo! #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love
박명수 주접 #SEVENTEEN 우리 컨포 공개 기간에 마침 새로운 밈이 떴고 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
#Ready_to_love Focused Playlist on Spotify OUT NOW! Let us surpass our first day goal, Carats! To 600k or more!!! 💎🔥 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice open.spotify.com/playlist/2n5BN…
[INFO] As of June 21, 2021, #SEVENTEEN is now occupying the 4th & 5th spot for artists with the Highest 1st Week Album Sales. 4. SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice 1, 113, 734 [NEW] 5. SEVENTEEN 헹가래 1, 097, 891 Congratulations, @pledis_17 and CARATs! #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love #ㅁㅎ
#Your_Choice tracks "Heaven's Cloud" and "Anyone" have now reached 2 MILLION Streams on Spotify. The fastest album tracks of #SEVENTEEN to reach this mark (13 days). @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
SEVENTEEN 8th Mini Album ‘Your Choice’ Official Photo ONE SIDE Ver. #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Your_Choice #Ready_to_love #SVT_Ready_to_love #210618_6PM_KST
#Your_Choice tracks "Heaven's Cloud" and "Anyone" are the fastest album tracks of SEVENTEEN to reach 1 Million Streams on Spotify (5 days). @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #Ready_to_love open.spotify.com/album/79VvXTQN…
📻 라디오에 #Ready_to_Love 신청하기 간단한 사연과 함께 라디오에 Ready to love를 신청해주세요! 신청시 기본적인 매너는 필수 🙆‍♀️ 노래 홍보와 방송점수, 경품까지 1석3조💕 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #Your_Choice @pledis_17