It's been a great journey with #ARRivedSeries so far searching for authentic voices that connect with people. Here's the anthem video with @iamsrk @ClintonCerejo @singer_shaan & @VidyaVox. Hope you all like it! @MyQyuki #YouTubeOriginals bit.ly/2ANHPXW
When Sam Chandel hit those notes, I couldn't help but hit that Share button! bit.ly/2KqBV2f #ARRivedSeries #YouTubeOriginals @MyQyuki
From a magical performance by Pt. Ajay Pohankar to House of Tradition's duets, episode 4 of the #ARRivedSeries is nothing but enthralling If you're in India: bit.ly/2KIOMga If you're outside India: bit.ly/2KIOMNc @MyQyuki #YouTubeOriginals
Join me and the judges on the Live chat as we premiere Ep 7 with the top 10 contestants of #ARRivedSeries on December 10. Let's all watch this episode together! bit.ly/2UvWPBu @MyQyuki @YouTubeIndia #YouTubeOriginals
Watch Pooja mesmerise all of us and earn the Share Button from me #ARRivedSeries bit.ly/2rw1Exs @singer_shaan @ClintonCerejo @VidyaVox @MyQyuki #YouTubeOriginals
It was nice to have @iamsrk ji & @aanandlrai ji on the #ARRivedSeries stage. Hope everyone enjoyed this episode as much as we did. If you're in India: bit.ly/2UvWPBu If you're outside India: bit.ly/2rwB2MJ @MyQyuki #YouTubeOriginals
Witnessed some beautiful performances carried forward from the previous episode, along with @iamsrk ji and @aanandlrai ji. #ARRivedSeries If you're in India: youtu.be/XIyV0tkDT8I If you're outside India: youtu.be/tjc50Z0qCGY @MyQyuki #YouTubeOriginals @Zero21Dec
Music breaks all barriers, it's great to see how far the contestants have come on the #ARRivedSeries @DarshanRavalDZ If you're in India: youtu.be/wj0AKcvfKK8 If you're outside India: youtu.be/FwtbdK32PSk @ClintonCerejo @singer_shaan @VidyaVox @MyQyuki #YouTubeOriginals
Congratulations to Sarthak on earning the 'Share Button' from me for his great performance. #ARRivedSeries youtu.be/6DuKFB0vMAQ @MyQyuki @YouTubeIndia #YouTubeOriginals
Witness an abundance of soulful performances in this episode of #ARRivedSeries If you're in India: youtu.be/NQflNYe_cPA If you're outside India: youtu.be/81cVqt5UXfw @MyQyuki #YouTubeOriginals
A magical rendition of 'Baisara Beera' by Swagat is what got me to hit the 'Share Button' #ARRivedSeries Link: youtu.be/SQCU4absmIU @ClintonCerejo @singer_shaan @VidyaVox @MyQyuki @YouTubeIndia #YouTubeOriginals #GodBless
Glad to have composer duo of @Zero21Dec @AjayAtulOnline on Ep 11 of #ARRivedSeries. Watch it here If you're in India: youtu.be/i70DvRhQuXI If you're outside India: youtu.be/2Fobq4ny59k @MyQyuki #YouTubeOriginals
It was nice to have @AjayAtulOnline, the composers of @Zero21Dec, back on the judging panel with us in the 12th episode of #ARRivedSeries Watch it here If you're in India: youtu.be/jgESn0ISRcE If you're outside India: youtu.be/9O4wworCiaE @MyQyuki #YouTubeOriginals
Congratulations to Deepakshi, Sarthak and Shazi on earning the 'Share Button' for their delightful performances. goo.gl/csYEjg #ARRivedSeries @singer_shaan @ClintonCerejo @VidyaVox @MyQyuki @YouTubeIndia #YouTubeOriginals #Godbless
Proud to present the top 4 contestants of #ARRivedSeries. Watch episode 13 to see some fascinating performances. If you're in India:youtu.be/FJNIOSW8Ees If you're outside India: youtu.be/BHTPHvxcB7c @MyQyuki #YouTubeOriginals
Let's watch the season finale of #ARRivedSeries together. Join me and the judges on the Live Chat along with the Top 10 contestants for the premiere on my YouTube channel at 6 pm IST. Link: youtu.be/1NZc-rBNOqo @MyQyuki #YouTubeOriginals
Finally, the time has ARRived. Let's watch the premiere of the season finale as we Live Chat on my YouTube channel. Link: youtu.be/1NZc-rBNOqo @MyQyuki #ARRivedSeries #YouTubeOriginals
のん映画監督デビュー! 岩手・遠野で奮闘する姿を追うドキュメンタリーが公開 thetv.jp/news/detail/20… #のん #のんたれ #おちをつけなんせ #YouTubeOriginals #ミュージシャン #女優 #著名人
アニメ『OBSOLETE(オブソリート)』の公式ツイッターを開設しました!今後、こちらのツイッターでアニメ情報をお伝えします!ティザービジュアル&TEASER映像も公開! project-obsolete.com #OBSOLETE #YouTubeOriginals
『OBSOLETE(オブソリート)』は、虚淵玄さんが原案・シリーズ構成、新進気鋭のCGアニメーションスタジオ・武右ェ門さんが制作を担当する2.5mリアルロボットアニメーションです! project-obsolete.com #OBSOLETE #YouTubeOriginals
【全日本模型ホビーショー】グッドスマイルカンパニーさんのブースでは現在企画中の「MODEROID 1/35 エグゾフレーム」のプラモデル(テストショット)を展示中!「素体」「アメリカ海兵隊仕様」「アウトキャスト・ブリゲード仕様」の3種類となります!#OBSOLETE #YouTubeOriginals
色々あるんだよ。。 "#YouTubeOriginals にて日本人初となるアーティスト個人に焦点を当てたドキュメンタリーで... 必ずしも全てが順風満帆ではない、音楽と情熱が交差する舞台裏の真相に迫っている。" "#YOSHIKI、全6話の #YouTube #ドキュメンタリー 番組を公開へ" headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20191114-…
[#AnalogTrip] 함께한 여행을 기념하며 #동방신기 X #슈퍼주니어 멤버들이 직접 만들고 부른 노래 '#너와_나(#ComeALittleCloser)' 오늘 오후 6시, 여행의 설렘을 담은 노래를 음원사이트에서 만나보세요! 🎧 2019.11.15 6PM KST #SUPERJUNIOR #아날로그트립 #유튜브오리지널 #YouTubeOriginals
YouTube Originals ってみんな知ってる? Do you know about YouTube Originals? "#YOSHIKI#YouTubeOriginals 」にて #ドキュメンタリー の公開が決定!来年春より全6話! headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20191114-…
I'm on my way! 今向かってるよ! RT@YoshikiChannel【15時~生放送】舞台挨拶後 #YOSHIKI ロングインタビュー! #ハリウッド映画 #ブライトバーン 舞台挨拶&#YouTubeOriginals 日本人初ドキュメンタリーの真相を語る LIVE Japan→ch.nicovideo.jp/yoshikiofficial International yoshiki.net/YCI.html