You know that when #ArmysFocusOnBTS only good things happen, right? The timeline becomes a positive space, we feel we’re achieving something TOGETHER. YET TO COME DAY 2 #YetToComeRECOMEBACK will finish Sept 17, 9am KST. Playlists 👇🏻. Spot, YT, AM. Buy/donate if you can. Let’s go! twitter.com/LetsBeGoodHuma…
Playlists on Youtube: 1 bit.ly/3QMsbQi 2 bit.ly/3UauXSA If you need a short one because you've got no time to interact: youtube.com/playlist?list=… Let's get it! #YetToComeRECOMEBACK YET TO COME DAY 1 twitter.com/rize0t7addict/…
If you can’t be with your devices right now, @btschartdata is on StationHead with our #YetToComeRECOMEBACK Leave them in capable hands. share.stationhead.com/jOFLV3OlYNk
Today& tomorrow, join us. Because this love letter to ARMYs deserves more recognition. Stream it, buy it, on every platform. YET TO COME D1 #YetToComeRECOMEBACK Playlists for 🟢🍎📺👇🏻