220626 슈가챌린지 이야기 하는 우리 슈가둥🍬 근데 당 떨어지는 것 보다 더 무서운건 영재가 보고싶다는 것🫠 근데요... 너무 귀엽지 않습니꺄!!!!!!!!!!!!! #갓세븐  #GOT7  #영재  #최영재 #YOUNGJAE  #Ars #영재_슈가  #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR   @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita
[📸] 220710 Coco Instagram “My precious jujube... it's a jujube in the samgyetang doll... 🐓” 🔗 instagram.com/p/Cf1MfgXPKdZ/ #Sugar #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR #영재_슈가 #GOT7 #Youngjae #Coco #갓세븐 #영재 #코코 @GOT7 @YOUNGJAExArs @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita
[✍️🏻] 220710 Youngjae Twitter “Hello? Everyone I now feel like a healthy man? (I heard) itt's spreading again so everyone, do you wear your masks well??? #.ahgases 💚” #Sugar #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR #영재_슈가 #GOT7 #Youngjae #갓세븐 #영재 @GOT7 @YOUNGJAExArs @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita twitter.com/GOTYJ_Ars_Vita…
🦦Youngjae’s IG Update🦦 🗓10 Jul 2022 “😎” 🔗instagram.com/p/Cf1MKCcvgsi/… //ให้เรียกผมว่ายองแจคนเท่😎 แต่รูป 3 เท่านั้นแหละ น้องค้าบบ🤣 #SUGAR #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR  #YOUNGJAE #영재  @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita #GOT7 @GOT7
[📸] 220714 Coco Instagram “You guys, don't go for a walk (just because they say/you think) it has stopped raining...” 🔗 instagram.com/p/Cf-fxmIPz0f/ #Sugar #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR #영재_슈가 #GOT7 #Youngjae #Coco #갓세븐 #영재 #코코 @GOT7 @YOUNGJAExArs @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita
[🎥] 220714 Coco Instagram “You guys, don't go for a walk (just because they say/you think) it has stopped raining...” 🔗 instagram.com/p/Cf-fxmIPz0f/ #Sugar #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR #영재_슈가 #GOT7 #Youngjae #Coco #갓세븐 #영재 #코코 @GOT7 @YOUNGJAExArs @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita
[📸] 220714 Virtual Influencer Rina Instagram “Kkya!!! <#Focus> TikTok Challenge shoot together with #Youngjae sunnbae 💃🏻🎥 the video will be released tomorrow so look forward to it a lot!!! 🫶🏻 COMING SOON” 🔗 instagram.com/p/Cf-n4IXvOc4/ #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR @GOT7 @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita
[#⃣] 220714 Hashtag Trend After one whole week, #Youngjae is back! Let's give him our warmest welcome! DROP THE TAGS 🤎 #WelcomeBackYoungjae DALDI IS BACK #달디보고싶었다 #GOT7YoungjaeBestFriend #Sugar #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR #GOT7 #영재 @mbcbf_ever @GOT7 @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita
🦦Youngjae’s IG Story Update🦦 🗓15 Jul 2022 “@ rina.8k” 🔗instagram.com/stories/333cyj… #SUGAR #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR  #YOUNGJAE #영재  @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita #GOT7 @GOT7
[🎥] 220715 Youngjae Tiktok “You bloom in my mind 🌺 I'm gonna fly ✈️ (With #.RINA)” 🔗 vt.tiktok.com/ZSRRj61uu/?k=1 #Focus #Youngjae_Focus #Sugar #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR #영재_슈가 #GOT7 #Youngjae #갓세븐 #영재 @GOT7 @YOUNGJAExArs @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita
[✍️🏻] 220715 Jinyoung Twitter 🐥: Youngjae barked on radio @.jinyoung #.jinyoung 🍑: Youngjae-ya, stay/wait #Sugar #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR #영재_슈가 #GOT7 #갓세븐 #Youngjae #영재 @GOT7 @YOUNGJAExArs @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita https://t.co/hpEteN5gTr
[✍️🏻] 220716 Yuan Video Call Event 🐥: What if someone says they'll give me 5B won and to stop liking #Youngjae, what should I do then? 🌙: Is 5B won important? Will you take it? 🐥: I'll take it. 🌙: No you can't, don't take it! (+) #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR #GOT7 @GOT7 @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita twitter.com/chenzhiyin1105…
From Yuan元角分传媒 weibo: m.weibo.cn/7346886263/479… 崔荣宰 2nd Mini Album [SUGAR] 视频签售会圆满结束。 感谢粉丝们对活动改期理解和全力的配合,期待以后也能多多见面哦! ​​ #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR #SUGAR #영재_슈가 #YOUNGJAE #영재 @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita @YOUNGJAExArs
[✍️🏻] 220716 Yuan Video Call Event 🐥: But are there any COVID-19 aftereffects left? 🌙: My throat (just) hurts a bit... 🐥: Ah... it still hurts? ㅠㅠㅠ 🌙: It's itchy. 🐥: Take care of yourself. 🌙: Okay ~ #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR #GOT7 #Youngjae @GOT7 @YOUNGJAExArs @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita twitter.com/twe_sudal/stat…
[✍️🏻] 220716 Yuan Video Call Event 🐥: I'll also do an acrotic poem out of “Choi #Youngjae!” 🌙: Okay, come on! Choi. 🐥: Our the best, 🌙: Young. 🐥: Youngjae is, 🌙: Jae. 🐥: Jaebeomie's first love, is that right? (+) #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR #GOT7 @GOT7 @YOUNGJAExArs @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita twitter.com/kinwai0116/sta…
[📈] 220716 Brand Reputation Index [Brand Reputation] Boy Group Individual Brand 2022 July 80. GOT7 Youngjae 🔗 brikorea.com/bbs/board.php?… #Sugar #YOUNGJAE_SUGAR #영재_슈가 #GOT7 #Youngjae #갓세븐 #영재 @GOT7 @YOUNGJAExArs @GOTYJ_Ars_Vita