Hello ! VIDEO REACTION EPISODE 2 (Part 2) IS UP💜 Join us once again to see TEN and all the talent! Thanks YOUKU for inviting us and let us support #TEN together!💜 Comment and like if you want💜 📎 youtu.be/-cM5-pB5jTA #TENxGreatDanceCrew #YOUKUGreatDanceCrewReaction
皆様のおかけで公開出来ました😭✨ 公式様もありがとうございます!Thanks to you, I was able to reveal it! Thank you to the official staff too🙏 @YoukuOfficial テンくんが中国で最新ダンスを披露!!最強のBirthday生日をリアクション!#YOUKUGreatDanceCrewReaction youtu.be/bmL8KbkxZqk