#YIXING leaving SM but not his brother/members 🥺😭 remember his words: “But I will always be the LAY when my members need me.” one and only lay for us ❤
[220212] @layzhang 's "NAMANANA" played during the finale of Men's Individual Gundersen LH in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Weibo Cr: @巷深酒香轻酌茶 #LAY #YIXING #张艺兴 #레이 #엑소레이 @layzhang
#YIXING WEIBO Message 💌 “I will always remember the day i officially debuted as an EXO member April 8 2012. I will always remember the small practice room of SM that was full of years of youth with my brothers and I. forever will be on your side!!
#LAY Zhang's single "I'm not fine" has been bookmarked 1 Million times on QQ Music 🎉 #LAY #YIXING #张艺兴 #레이 #엑소레이 @layzhang
#YIXING released a song “JIU” and the cover of it has 9 stars representing exo also you can hear his exo members voice on it 🥺😭😭😭 “hyung” “lay hyung” “hyungggg” “cy: saranghaeyo/i love you” “nado/me to”
#YIXING: “first time performing in a club. interesting”
“It’s Lay, I Love You EXO-L” - #YIXING 💓
🎥 | 220922 Brand Ambassador #Yixing was seen showing up at Valentino Qinghuangdao Fashion show #LAY #LayZhang #YIXING @layzhang
"Dawn to Dusk (不眠不休)" by #LAY & #24kGoldn is 🥇 first placed for the No. 1477 Issue (14.3.2022 ~ 20.3.2022) of Chinese Top Ten Music Awards 🎉 #LAY #YIXING #张艺兴 #레이 #엑소레이 @layzhang
#YIXING MESSAGE 😭😭 “But I will always be the Lay when my member need me” “I am your family member in China Zhang Yixing..Love you Forever.”
✏️| Paco Tang, publisher of GQ China, worked with #LAY for GQ Men of The Year Awards 2020 and this is what Paco has to say about him! Cr: 媒体人Paco (小红书) #YIXING #张艺兴 @layzhang
[220215] @layzhang 's "Descendants of the Dragon" was played during the Ice Hockey match between Canada and China during Beijing Winter Olympics 2022. Cr: @寒寒啵啵羊 #LAY #YIXING #张艺兴 #레이 #엑소레이 @layzhang
#LAY is introduced as the Swiss Watch Brand, Hublot's Brand Ambassador on L'OFFICIEL Austria Spring 2022 with a special interview. #LAY #YIXING #张艺兴 #레이 #엑소레이 @layzhang