Xinyan ‧ Blazing Riff Liyue's sole rock 'n' roll musician Check it out! Follow the flame that engulfs Liyue's nightscape and listen to the most breathtaking rhythms while losing yourself in this magnificent performance— #GenshinImpact #Xinyan
"Almost about to go live over here. You comin'?" Travelers, let's rock up and listen to Xinyan's voice artists put on a show! Voice Actor EN VA: Laura Stahl JP VA: TAKAHASHI Chiaki Click here to listen >>> genshin.mihoyo.com/en/character/l… #GenshinImpact #Xinyan
"She's on fire!" —Boatman Wrench Wang, who started screaming, after seeing the stage be set ablaze while watching Xinyan's performance. Xinyan ‧ Blazing Riff Liyue's sole rock 'n' roll musician Vision: Pyro Constellation: Fila Ignium #GenshinImpact #Xinyan
『 璃月港 / Liyue Harbor 』 自分の中で1番印象の強い1枚を璃月港で撮り直しました📷 #原神 #原神写真部 #Genshin #重雲 #Chongyun #香菱 #Xiangling #行秋 #Xingqiu #辛炎 #Xinyan
『 🔥🔥🔥🔥 』 クリップverです🤗 #原神 #原神写真部 #Genshin #香菱 #Xiangling #煙緋 #Yanfei #辛炎 #Xinyan #胡桃 #HuTao
『 新メニュー食べてもらったよ! 』 #原神 #原神写真部 #GenshinImpact #香菱 #Xiangling #辛炎 #Xinyan
『 アタシ達を止めてみろ 』 #原神 #原神写真部 #GenshinImpact #北斗 #Beidou #辛炎 #Xinyan
アイコンを推しの辛炎に戻しました🔥 月逐い祭で辛炎がやっと出てきてテンションが上がって、Ver.2.2でも辛炎の活躍がたくさん見られるようでとても楽しみです!! #原神 #原神写真部 #GenshinImpact #辛炎 #Xinyan #新しいプロフィール画像
#childe #Xinyan  うわぁーん!!推しが同時に😭
逆飛び辛炎ちゃんin稲妻。お誕生日おめでとう~!!🔥まだ炎メンバーが揃っていない頃、ドラスパでチームを支えてくれてありがとう! #原神 #genshin #原神_キャラ生誕祭 #辛炎生誕祭2021 #Xinyan #辛焱
¡Feliz cumpleaños, #Xinyan! "Paimon también quiere participar en la actuación. ¡Que no pare el rock and roll!" #GenshinImpact
Obrigada por aceitar o meu convite de se apresentar. O show parece que já vai começar! Haha, não se preocupe, temos treinado por tanto tempo! Tenho certeza que vai dar tudo certo! Vamos mostrar todo o nosso talento hoje! E deixar todo mundo animado! #Xinyan #GenshinImpact
Thank you for agreeing to take part in my show! Haha, don't be so nervous. We've practiced together for so long, it'll work out soundly! Let's show everyone what we've got, we're going to set it on fire! Three, two, one, time to rock! #GenshinImpact #Xinyan
#Xinyan, Feliz Aniversário! "A Paimon também quer participar do show? É uma escolha muito rock 'n' roll!" #GenshinImpact