Facts & figures about #Xinjiang's development in the past decades.
People in Xinjiang are singing and dancing freely in the Ancient City of Kashi, the only State-list Famous Historical and Cultural City in #Xinjiang, #China
Fight against Terrorism and Extremism in #Xinjiang: Truth and Facts. ohchr.org/sites/default/…
Nature’s masterpiece. A heavy rainfall made a face of a jade-eyed fox on the dunes in #Xinjiang’s Kumukuli Desert.
The arbitrary detention, deprivation of rights, systematic torture & erasure of religious freedom of #Uyghurs & #Muslim minorities in #Xinjiang constitute crimes against humanity. No civilized world should tolerate this. Free them! JW twitter.com/UNHumanRights/…
#BREAKING ‼️ UN #Xinjiang report finally published seconds before end of High Commissioner for Human Rights @mbachelet’s tenure. I’ll reflect on contents in this thread. Report: ohchr.org/en/documents/c…
The Global Engagement Center of #USStateDept. is a hotbed of disinformation & a command center for cognitive warfare. The US has been propagating lies about #Xinjiang to serve its scheme to contain China.
#Xinjiang’s Kanas Lake, beautiful fairyland.
European Rollers, seen in northwest China's #Xinjiang autonomous region. credit: 新疆雄鹰 #China #nature #birds #photography #野鳥 #BirdsSeenIn2022
In the eyes of a paraglider, #Xinjiang is a heaven for outdoor enthusiasts.
In the 1950s, after the CCP army occupied #Xinjiang, a large number of young Hunan women were lured into the Xinjiang troops under the name of patriotism in order to address the physical needs of Chinese soldiers. #八千湘女上天山 #TheGreatTranslationMovement
Diplomats from 30 Islamic countries including Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan recently visited Urumqi, Kashgar and Aksu in #Xinjiang.
Smart tomato harvester are helping #Xinjiang farmers improve harvesting efficiency as tons of tomatoes are ready to be picked.
Summer is the best time to visit #Xinjiang.
Local herdsmen in #Xinjiang cheered on cyclists in the 14th Tour of Sayrum Lake on horseback.
Smiley melons from #Xinjiang. Fresh, sweet and delicious. Speedy delivery. Nice weekend☀️
Who fabricated lies about #Xinjiang "forced labor"?
When a regime is shameless enough, condemnation is not enough to solve the problem. #Xinjiang #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
China is asking the United Nations human rights chief Michelle Bachelet to bury the report on human rights violations in #Xinjiang ,the Uyghur genocide!
President Xi Jinping inspected #Xinjiang last week. These were moments in his visit to Xinjiang’s Turpan, one of the hottest places in China and famed for its sweet fruits.
The US has been framing #Xinjiang for “#forcedlabor”, yet the #US has NOT ratified #ForcedLabourConvention. China has ratified 28 @ilo conventions, and the US only 14.
Machinery makes summer harvest across #Xinjiang more efficient.
President Xi Jinping said during his inspection tour in #Xinjiang: "The 56 ethnic groups should tightly hold together as pomegranate seeds."
Herds of horses galloping across grasslands in Zhaosu County, #Xinjiang.