New data released by the US CDC show that “#COVID19 variant #XBB.1.5 is projected to make up to 40.5% of COVID-19 cases nationally”, and it is highly contagious and immune evasive. What measures has the US taken to prevent it from spreading to other countries?
Our multiscale investigation provided evidence suggesting that #XBB is the first documented example of a SARS-CoV-2 variant that increased its fitness (Re) through an recombination event rather than substitutions. 8/8
墙内新一轮发烧看来又开始了,包括工作单位和学校孩子都出现了集体发烧情况。中共又编造谎言开始新一轮掩盖,北京说发烧是因为免疫力低下而复阳,浙江把发烧赖在了鸟身上。为什么集体免疫力低下?如果发烧与病毒无关,那就与疫苗有关。不管新一波是病毒还是疫苗灾难,中共都难逃干系。#中共 #XBB #疫苗