📺XANA News: Genesis Evolution 👉#XANA #Metaverse founder @rio_noborderz talks about the evolution of #XANAGenesis to experience #AI like never before. It can express emotions, move naturally, listen to your voice & responding to it. #NFTs #NFTCommunity
#XANA made another history! XANA created Japan's first "#Metaverse division" for Tottori Local Government , and #XANAGenesis #AI #NFT became the official member as first time in the history. 1/5
#XANA succeeded 2 large-scale #NFT launches in 2022 for #XANAGenesis & XANA: Land and sold more than 3500 $ETH#ETHtotal. While major NFTs are crushing their price, XANA's #NFTs perform above 17x from minting. opensea.io/collection/xan… 2/4
📣#XANA's first physical event starts tomorrow in the most extensive complex in Tokyo, "Ginza Six"! "#XANAGenesis #NFT Real Art Exhibition" will be held at GINZA SIX in Tokyo. Simultaneously, A Museum will be opened within XANA, which straddles reality and the #Metaverse. 1/4
Digging Ecstasy –A XANA: Genesis rendition❓ If you enjoyed🥳 XANA: Festival 2022, we’ve got news📰 for you. 👉#XANA will host even bigger #Metaverse events soon. So Buckle Up❗️ #Web3 #XANAGenesis #NFTCommunity
XANAGenesis転生権GIVEAWAY! 下記条件を達成された2名様に転生権をGIVEAWAYさせていただきます!! お申し込み条件は、 1️⃣follow @XANAMetaverse @XANAMetaversejp @Kdive_nft @jumpfire0 2️⃣いいね&RT ⚠️1/15 12:00まで みなさんでXANAを盛り上げていきましょう😊 #XANA #XANAGenesis
#XANAGenesis 転生NFTを1名様に #giveaway🎉✨ ✅follow @XANAMetaverse @XANAMetaversejp @chad78xx ✅💖&RT ✅1/11 12:00〆 *実装され次第、トランスファーいたします🙏 ジェネシスってなに?という方はこちらの記事をご一読下さい💁‍♀️✨ yoshi-blog2021.com/xana_genesis_a…
新春🎍緊急企画‼️ #XANAGenesis 転生権 #GIVEAWAY ✖️1人 を実施します💪 条件 1️⃣❤️&リツイート 2️⃣フォロー そして…もし、 フォロワーが500人に到達すれば GIVEAWAYを  ✖️2人に変更します❗️✨😭✨ 期間は1月13日9時まで🙇 #XANA #AI
【タスク追加で再投稿】 #XANAGenesis #Giveaway XANA活おサボり🙇企画🧧 高値で売りに出ていると噂の 🏆転生権×1枚  価格見たらやめたくなるので見ません🤣 タスク👇 ✅RT&❤️ ✅フォロー@NOBit_coinFX ✅リプで参加の一言 ⏰12/31 #XANA #XANA冬祭り
Here is the preview of the #XANAGenesis Animation & Emotion plugin. Your Genesis is now really alive!! The plugin is available as $XET#XETAking reward. We will start distributing accordingly! XANA:Genesis is the NFT which keeps evolving. opensea.io/collection/xan… #XANA
#TSUBASAPROJECT #XANA 応援企画…いよいよ最終回🎉✨😆✨🎊 今回はあの #XANAGenesis の登場です🎉✨ この企画もこれで最後、絶対参加してゲットして下さい🎵 参加条件 フォロー @XANAMetaverse @yunkinton_house @tsubasaproject2 ♥️&RT Discord参加👇️毎日ランブル開催 discord.gg/DsWWZXTf
#TSUBASAPROJECT 超大型 #XANA 応援企画が遂に開幕🎉✨ 第1回景品は #ULTRAMAN ジェネシスLV1を1名様にプレゼント🎁 参加条件 フォロー @XANAMetaverse @yunkinton_house @tsubasaproject2 ♥️&RT Discord参加 discord.gg/zQcWEAPb 全3回開催、合計RT数1000到達で #XANAGenesis #Giveaways 開催
#XETA Token Staking (Cycle 4) is Starting at 12:00 UTC today🚀 Don't miss your opportunity to earn LAND #NFT, #XANAGenesis, #GameFi / #Metaverse items, Rare #NFTs, In-App #Crypto, and more🎁 🔗Visit staking.xana.net #XANA #cryptocurrencies 👇🏻1/3
#XANAGenesis and #XANALand have been ranked in #NFTJapan Marketcap No.3 and No.4 with massive growth in such short period of time🚀 Following the #CNP family, the #XANA family is one of the largest #NFTcollection with Japan brands. Congratulations to all the lucky owners🎉
#XANA #metaverse the New Story “A Light Beyond The Darkness” The episode #1 “Ideal World” Has been Updated! It is a story about a world of peace & joy, without conflicts, XANA Metaverse, an ideal world to live.. Check out! xana.net/story/a-light-… #XANAGenesis #AI $XET#XETAhref="/hashtag/Crypto/retweet/1">#Crypto
#XANAGenesis #8084 (Elida) 0.58 ETHでトレードされたよ🔥 魅力的な #AI 美女「Elida」をご紹介🥰 ➡️髪型:レッドブラウンのネオボブ ➡️服装:ピンクブラックのバーチョーカー制服 ➡️目:アクティブな明るいピンク #XANA #メタバース #NFT #NFTJapan #NFTCommunity opensea.io/assets/ethereu… twitter.com/XANAMetaverse/…
#XANAGenesis average price keeps hitting ATH🚀 Note this is not a crypto chart but a #NFT Chart😂 0.#ETHTH seems to be the next target🎯 You don't want to miss this most advanced #AI #NFTs ever in history! ➡️opensea.io/collection/xan… #XANA #Metaverse href="/hashtag/XETA/retweet/1">#XETAETA #NFTcommunitiy
#XANA #metaverse Story “Where We Belong” The new episode #2 “With Love” Has been Updated! This is a story about Sophia and Nagisa meeting on their 10th anniversary & figuring out what to wear before going there. Check out! xana.net/story/where-we… #XANAGenesis #AI $XET#XETAhref="/hashtag/crypto/retweet/1">#crypto
🎼XANA:Genesis original 1st single "Life goes on" (AlphaTest mix) Vocal : XANA:Genesis #140000 Ramia Music : Rio #XANAGenesis is the first ever personalized #AI partner in #XANA #Metaverse. #NFTcollections #NFTs #NFTCommunity #NFTJapan #XETAA
If you wanna know #NFTs which has the largest upside, #XANAGenesis is the one. Price rose 0.05 to 0.25 #ETH. #AI x #NFT は無限の可能性を秘めています。それに気付いているレア度の高い皆様、一緒に巨大な未来を創っていきましょう✨ voicy.jp/channel/2968/3… #NFTJapan #NFTCollection
#XANA #metaverse the New Story “Where We Belong” The episode #1 “Between Virtual and Physical” Has been Updated! It is a story about the establishment of a virtual world where it is easy to change one's appearance. Check out! xana.net/story/where-we… #XANAGenesis #AI #XETA
We are testing the Voice & Animation plug-in for #XANAGenesis✨ You can get those plug-is from the $XET#XETAking reward🎁 💡 XANA: Genesis is your #metaverse #AI partner. The first-ever original personalized AI #NFT collection of #XANA. ⬇️#opensea opensea.io/collection/xan…
#XANAGenesis #NFTs, the personalized #AI based #NFTs chat web app, is now live for an alpha test. 🚀 🔗app.xana.net/xanagenesis/ch… ✅Connect your wallet ✅Talk to any Genesis ✅You can overwrite the answer of the Genesis you own (Basic Trading Mode) #XANAa href="/hashtag/XETA/retweet/1">#XETATA #Metaverse 1/2
3️⃣賞品ルール 2,000人登録=4,000 XETA (200XETA x 20名) 3,000人登録=6,000 XETA (200XETA x 30名) 以下同じ 4️⃣応募方法 ルールを全て完了後、あなたのTwitter IDをLINE公式にメッセージしてね💌✨ 5️⃣期間 9月3日(土)~9月16日(金)の2週間 2/2 #XANA#XETAA #Crypto #metaverse #XANAGenesis
75 キャンペーン
#XANA 公式LINEを友だち追加して #XETA をゲット! LINE登録者数に応じて豪華プレゼントをゲットできるキャンペーンを開催✨ 1️⃣賞品 🎁< 20,000 $X#XETA?#XANAGenesis #NFT x2 2️⃣ルール ✅リツイート ✅@XANAMetaversejp をフォロー ✅XANA公式LINEに登録 bit.ly/xanaline #Metaverse 1/2