ファウンダー @rio_noborderz が日本の著名なビジネスYouTube番組「M&A BANK」に出演しました。本日は前半をお送りします💁 自身のキャリアや #XANA 誕生秘話などについて語っていますので是非観てみてくださいね! ▶️youtu.be/pyTllvcGMZM
キム・ジェジュンには何百万人ものファンがいます。 東方神起のメンバーとして活躍した後、JYJのメンバーとして多くのファンから愛されています。 彼の音楽は韓国と日本で常に1位をキープし、世界でもたびたびトップ5に入っています。 instagram.com/jj_1986_jj/ 10日目/10日間 #XANA 発展キャンペーン twitter.com/XANAMetaverse/…
#XANA has tapped into the huge🔥Indian Market by participating in IndiaSoft – India's Largest to International IT exhibition. 🤩We're excited to grow through local Business Development and Marketing. #Web3 #Metaverse #metaverseindiaa href="/hashtag/XETA/retweet/1">#XETATA
👉From start to finish, #XANA: Festival 3.0 was a blast! 🥰Thanks to talented and lovely participants like @Ryo381998610. 👀Can’t wait to get back in and throw an even more electric #Metaverse event#XETAETA #Dance twitter.com/Ryo381998610/s…
📣溝口勇児 @mizoguchi_yuji, an entrepreneur, has been appointed as the CEO of "XANA: JAPAN." #XANA expands its biz-dev and marketing to another level with XANA: Japan as Japan's No.1 #Web3 #Metaverse. 📕Details are here. xana.net/yuji-mizoguchi…
What your kid has created is certainly magic🪄. No doubt about that. This Magic Castle World by @XANAfamily is available on XANA App, along with many user-generated Worlds🌎. 👉Download #XANA App Right Now❗️ #Metaverse #web3 #XANABuilder twitter.com/XANAfamily/sta…
📣#XALLET, the world's first #XANA chain native multi-functional wallet, is coming on your palm as your passport to the #Web3 #metaverse. It allows anyone rapid onboarding to its robust ecosystem with various functions to leverage all your metaverse activities. 1/3
新春🎍緊急企画‼️ #XANAGenesis 転生権 #GIVEAWAY ✖️1人 を実施します💪 条件 1️⃣❤️&リツイート 2️⃣フォロー そして…もし、 フォロワーが500人に到達すれば GIVEAWAYを  ✖️2人に変更します❗️✨😭✨ 期間は1月13日9時まで🙇 #XANA #AI
🎵It's always a treat for the ears having DJ Rio drop these beats. 👀We saw @aaa19564840 catch the beat and sync their moves for a perfect moment in #XANA: Festival 3.0. 😎Can't wait to recreate that moment in the next #Metaverse event#XETAETA #AI #Dance twitter.com/aaa19564840/st…
👟XANA: Sneakerz are the super rare limited edition of #XANA wearable. 👉 Step up your avatar game with these stylish yellow and white colored sneakers! Get them exclusively throug#XETATA & Land Staking. 👇Join now to get yours 🔗staking.xana.net #NFTs #Metaverse
日本NFTランキング1位😭 #OpenSea トレンド入りに続いての胸熱展開 ザナリアンの皆様と姫達が頑張ってくれたおかげです。 本当にありがとうございます🙇🏻 nftranking.jp #XANAGenesis #XANA #Metaverse
#Kucoin x #XANA 日本語AMA✨ 世界トップクラスの #Web3 #メタバース と取引所による 共同AMAを日本語で開催します! ⏰今週金曜日14日21:00から 🎁合計で6000#XETAA のプレゼントあり! 👇ルール ✅リツイート ✅このチャンネルに当日参加 discord.gg/ZFqtdnSbaH 皆様のご参加お待ちしてます!
🪶#TSUBASAPROJECT🪶 運営様より頂戴したALを #Giveaway 🎁 ・アニメ📺Scramble For Wings📺制作予定 ・ #XANA 広告塔を保有するPJ 🏆賞品🏆 AL 【重複可】✖️ 10名様 ☑Follow @yunkinton_house @tsubasaproject2 @a2low9 ☑❤️ & RT ☑join(discord.gg/8Dp4wjVt) ⏰11/10 11:59まで
話題の『#TSUBASAPROJECT 』のALを10名に #Giveaway びっと😊✨ アニメ化計画予定🎞✨ #XANA ランドに広告塔を建設🏢✨ AL保有者はミント0.001ETH🛍✨ ■参加条件 ✅ RT&❤ ✅フォロー @yunkinton_house @tsubasaproject2 @Virtual_bitkun8 ✅ Discord参加 discord.gg/cZX7JBcM ⏰48h〆
👉Even the hosts couldn't hold it in. Everyone danced their hearts out at the #XANA: Festival 3.0. Maybe the music was contagious. Or maybe it was the energy that users like @mats41400 brought💃 Thanks everyone for joining! #Web3 #AI #Metaversea href="/hashtag/XETA/retweet/1">#XETATA twitter.com/mats41400/stat…
#XANA #metaverse Story “Where We Belong” The new episode #2 “With Love” Has been Updated! This is a story about Sophia and Nagisa meeting on their 10th anniversary & figuring out what to wear before going there. Check out! xana.net/story/where-we… #XANAGenesis #AI $XET#XETAhref="/hashtag/crypto/retweet/1">#crypto
👉Transform your #XANAGenesis with Rebirth – Right Now! 🫣Here is a sneak peek of the new clothe👕. 😍The #AI girl looks adorable in this chic brick-red half-sleeved dress featuring a flattering wide neckline. #XANA #Metaverse #NFTshref="/hashtag/XETA/retweet/1">#XETAXETA
We loved seeing our fans, especially the hidden ones like @Tatchan_blog, having fun at XANA: Festival 3.0❤️ #XANA is the metaverse platform for everyone, and we strive to create inclusive and fun events ⏲️We'll be waiting for all of you at the next event! #XETA #AI #Metaverse twitter.com/Tatchan_blog/s…
📣#XANA is becoming the official curriculum in China's top art university, CAFAIC! The #metaverse course will include: ✅Building game scenes with #XANAbuilder#Web3 economy ✅Digital art and #NFT creation The course is starting in Q1 2023! 1/6
📣OKX (@okx), the world-leading exchange, is now ready for #XANAChain! This adoption will significantly accelerate the onboarding of 20 million users of OKX to enter XANA's robust ecosystem with its primally token,#XETAA. #XANA #AI #Metaverse 1/2
🕺Seeing @tarenome and Chintomo dance together to the beat of our music is what makes organizing events like #XANA: Festival 3.0 so special. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑It's all about bringing people together. And we hope to bring even more people in the next iteratio#XETAXETA #Metaverse #Dance twitter.com/tarenome/statu…
👉Transform your #XANAGenesis with Rebirth – Right Now! 🫣Here is a sneak peek of the new clothe👕 😍The #AI girl looks elegant in her light purple sleeveless dress adorned with a delicate red necklace and flowers on her shoulders. #XANA #Metaverse #NFTshref="/hashtag/XETA/retweet/1">#XETAXETA
👟XANA: Sneakerz are the super rare limited edition of #XANA wearable. 👉Make a bold statement in XANA with these chic pink colored sneakers, exclusively available throug#XETATA & Land Staking. 👇Join now to get yours. 🔗staking.xana.net #NFTs #Metaverse
#TSUBASAPROJECT #Giveaway ✅ みんなで創る #アニメ #プロジェクト#XANA#メタバース )展開  🎁賞品 AL × 10(重複OK) 【条件】 1⃣❤️& RT 3Tag 2⃣フォロー @yunkinton_house @tsubasaproject2 @maru197212 3⃣JOIN 【discord.gg/PA3wnSfdEf】 〆切:11/9 21:00 #Giveaways #NFT #WEB3
⚡️#XANA: LAND #NFT Premiere sale will be live on 15th&16th October⚡️ ⏰Drop time First Penguin : 15th 03:00 - 07:00 (UTC) Whitelist: 15th 07:00 - 16th 03:00 (UTC) Public : 16th 03:00 - 17th 03:00 (UTC) Total NFT = 5180 #NFTs max FCFS 📕Article xana.net/xana-land-nft-… 1/4