I’m only just coming out the other side of this depression since you’ve gone and last night was such a release. Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay Thanks you so much OTT for letting me celebrate Ryan’s life. Fiction is fun, but reality we are all humans & could do with more love.
"I think there is a change happening and people are opening up, but there still needs to be more." This #WorldMentalHealthDay, the #F1 grid comes together to raise awareness around the importance of mental health and breaking down the stigma. Tap below to watch.
#WorldMentalHealthDay My fear these days is waking up and hearing about someone that I shared a ring with or backstage or fan I hugged lost their battle with mental health. Wrestling such a weird battle as one minute I’m playing a fictional character the next I’m writing this.
10/10 就是 #世界心理健康日 #WorldMentalHealthDay 我們和 @Twitter 合作,提供中英雙語的防止自殺搜索提示。 只要在推特搜尋上輸入中英文關鍵字,就會出現衛福部的 #1925安心專線 等資訊。 有情緒困擾或想了解 #心理健康 資訊的人,可根據頁面的資訊,尋求幫助喔! 別害怕求助,有情緒,很正常!
10/10 就是 #世界心理健康日 了! 衛福編編和總柴再次來幫大家打氣, 留言告訴衛福編編你想要的加油、安慰, 馬上寫、畫給你💕 By衛福編編、總柴🐶 (10/6 下午兩點收單,感謝大家🫶) #WorldMentalHealthDay #1925安心專線