‼️ATTENTION‼️ How to download #WoLongFallenDynasty Demo on Feb 24th: ✔ Must have internet connectivity ✔ No online subscription or registration needed ✔ Search, find & download from your preferred gaming platform store. ✔ Play demo. ✔ Share this tweet. (Optional🐲)
The final Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty demo is coming this week! We have something plan for those that download the demo of the game. Make sure to stay tuned later this week for the details! #WoLongFallenDynasty
一介の臥竜として参加させて頂きます! #WoLongFallenDynasty twitter.com/WoLongOfficial…
🐉Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Demo. ⌚Arrives in less than a day. 🧙Wizardry. 🥋Martial Arts. ⚔️The tightest of combat. 🐲Dark Three Kingdoms. 👀Are you even ready though? #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio #Xbox #PlayStation #STEAM #MicrosoftStore #PC
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Launch Trailer! Watch the dark Three Kingdoms infested with demons, but from the depths of darkness, a dragon soars. Game Available 3.3.23! Pre-order available now! Demo Available now! Info - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/ #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio
Get a chance to try out Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty before official release next week. Demo is available now on Xbox One, Xbox Series Consoles, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Steam & Microsoft Store! Transfer your save file to the final game! Demo ends March 26th! #WoLongFallenDynasty
特別先行プレイさせて頂きました! #WoLongFallenDynasty #ウォーロン twitter.com/otsuichich/sta…
We are 5 days away from the official release of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty! Pre-order the game today and get your squad ready! Game - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/ #WoLongFallenDynasty
Watch as the producer of Wo Long Fallen Dynasty, Fumihiko Yasuda, goes through the final demo & shares some helpful tips to help complete it. Game releases 3.3.23! 🐉 Final Demo available until March 26th! Platform & demo details - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/us/demo… #WoLongFallenDynasty
Only 4 more days to go! Download the demo today! teamninja-studio.com/wolong/us/demo… Check out our FAQ section on the official website. teamninja-studio.com/wolong/us/faq/ #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio
Only 3 more days to go! How are you doing in the demo so far? Get demo and game deets here - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/ #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio
Here are the global release times of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty! Don't miss out on this dark Three Kingdoms epic! #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio
【ウォーロン×EDWINコラボ決定】 アパレルメーカー「EDWIN」とのコラボレーションが決定。 ゲームの世界観にちなんだアイテムをTeam NINJAと協同で制作予定。 乞うご期待。 teamninja-studio.com/wolong/jp/news… #ウォーロン #WoLongFallenDynasty #EDWIN #エドウイン
One. More. Day. 🐉 #WoLongFallenDynasty
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is officially available now for Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X, PlayStation 4|5, Steam for PC, Windows PC and Game Pass! If you've been playing the recent demo, transfer your save file to the final game! Game - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/ #WoLongFallenDynasty
#WoLongFallenDynasty is out today on @Xbox and on @XboxGamePass Day 1! Play through the dark Three Kingdoms with friends online, fight alongside historical warlords and see if you can take on Lu Bu on the battlefield! Xbox - xbox.com/en-US/games/wo…
Wo Long is good👍🏻 #WoLongFallenDynasty
/ 『Wo Long : Fallen Dynasty』発売記念! \ インテルのゲーム向け CPU を搭載した『Wo Long : Fallen Dynasty』推奨PCが、今後続々と登場! さらに!抽選で1名様に @frontier_k の推奨 PC が当たるキャンペーンを 4月12日より開催決定!乞うご期待! #WoLongFallenDynasty #ウォーロン
\さらにダブルチャンス!/ 『Wo Long : Fallen Dynasty』推奨 PC プレゼント・キャンペーン応募者全員の中から抽選で 5 名様に 『Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty』開発陣の直筆サイン入りオリジナルポスターをプレゼント! キャンペーン開催にご期待ください! #WoLongFallenDynasty #ウォーロン
73 キャンペーン
/ 抽選で 1 名様に『Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty』推奨 PC をプレゼント! \ 応募手順 1 @IntelJapan をフォロー & この投稿をリツイート! 2 @frontier_k をフォロー! 応募期間: 4月12日 (水) ~ 4月18日 (火) #WoLongFallenDynasty #ウォーロン
▪━━━━━━━━━━━━━▪   【#加藤純一×#もこう】  「Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty」 #クリアするまで帰らない 生放送 ▪━━━━━━━━━━━━━▪ 2人は帰ることができるのか⁉ 💬コメントで助けてください🙏 #WoLongFallenDynasty 🕖5/5(金)19時~放送開始📡 live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv340937…
75 キャンペーン
抽選で『#WoLongFallenDynasty 』非売品ポスターをプレゼント! 1 @IntelJapan をフォロー&この投稿をリツイート 2 @Yodobashi_X をフォロー 応募期間: 4月26日(水)~5月2日(火) #ウォーロン が楽しめるインテル® プロセッサー搭載ゲーミングPCを買うならヨドバシカメラへ! intel.ly/3H24z8f