There is a Hidden Village full of kind people to interact with and serves as a central hub for the player. You can speak to the Blacksmith or see if someone needs help with any tasks. You can also make preparations before traveling back to the battlefield. #WoLongFallenDynasty
Take on the demon-plagued Three Kingdoms & overcome the odds of deadly combat! Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is available for pre-order now. Early purchase & pre-order bonuses available. Game Available March 3, 2023 Details - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/ #WoLongFallenDynasty #WoLong
Hear us out, Three Kingdoms era, monsters and enemies everywhere, plenty of wizardry, plenty martial arts, create your character, play with friends, are you in or what? #WoLongFallenDynasty is landing 3.3.23! Have you pre-ordered your copy and followed @WoLongOfficial yet?
Today marks the 6th anniversary for the Nioh franchise! We'd like to thank everyone for the tremendous support all these years. The team is hard at work finishing up #WoLongFallenDynasty for March 3rd and "Shitieshou" wanted to jump in on the Nioh celebration! #Nioh #Nioh2
NEW YEAR 2023 -謹賀新年- #WoLong #WoLongFallenDynasty
🐉Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Demo. ⌚Arrives in less than a day. 🧙Wizardry. 🥋Martial Arts. ⚔️The tightest of combat. 🐲Dark Three Kingdoms. 👀Are you even ready though? #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio #Xbox #PlayStation #STEAM #MicrosoftStore #PC
We are 5 days away from the official release of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty! Pre-order the game today and get your squad ready! Game - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/ #WoLongFallenDynasty
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is officially available now for Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X, PlayStation 4|5, Steam for PC, Windows PC and Game Pass! If you've been playing the recent demo, transfer your save file to the final game! Game - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/ #WoLongFallenDynasty
A Shitieshou is a demon that poses no threat to humans. Its sole interest is in consuming various metals. It will reward those who offer it items to consume with small trinkets. Remember to give it your spare items. You may receive an unexpected reward. #WoLongFallenDynasty
Only 4 more days to go! Download the demo today! teamninja-studio.com/wolong/us/demo… Check out our FAQ section on the official website. teamninja-studio.com/wolong/us/faq/ #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio
We are about 2 months away from Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty release! Are you prepared to battle the demon infested Three Kingdoms? Make sure pre-order and get your weapons ready for 03.03.2023 🐉 #WoLongFallenDynasty #WoLong #Xbox #PlayStation #Steam #XboxGamePass
#WoLongFallenDynasty is out today on @Xbox and on @XboxGamePass Day 1! Play through the dark Three Kingdoms with friends online, fight alongside historical warlords and see if you can take on Lu Bu on the battlefield! Xbox - xbox.com/en-US/games/wo…
Here are the global release times of Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty! Don't miss out on this dark Three Kingdoms epic! #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio
Only 3 more days to go! How are you doing in the demo so far? Get demo and game deets here - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/ #WoLongFallenDynasty #TeamNINJAStudio
Here are some simple tips to jump-start your experience with the Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty demo. Demo available now on Xbox Series S|X & PlayStation 5 Complete the demo to receive special item "Crouching Dragon Helmet" for final game #WoLongFallenDynasty. Trial ends on Sept. 25th!
Tune into the #Xbox live stream on Dec. 14th @ 10:30AM PT for the latest Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty details with @TeamNINJAStudio Community Manager @oMASTERo Stream - Twitch.tv/Xbox #WoLongFallenDynasty #WoLong
Changgui, a demon that is a mixed figure of a tiger and a human, snarls with its bloody claws. If you can't dodge its onslaught of attacks, you'll quickly lose strength. #WoLongFallenDynasty #WoLong Game Info - teamninja-studio.com/wolong/
In certain battlefields, other players may launch an invasion into your battlefield. Opponents whose strategies cannot be easily read will be tricky opponents so don't let your guard down. #WoLongFallenDynasty #WoLong
【発売日決定&特典情報公開】 本作の発売日が2023 年 3 月 3日 (金)に決定。 本日より、パッケージ版(PS5/PS4)の予約受付を開始しました。 同時発売の限定版や、早期購入特典などの 各種特典も一挙公開。 詳細は公式サイトへ➡ teamninja-studio.com/wolong/jp/ #ウォーロン #WoLongFallenDynasty
/ 『Wo Long : Fallen Dynasty』発売記念! \ インテルのゲーム向け CPU を搭載した『Wo Long : Fallen Dynasty』推奨PCが、今後続々と登場! さらに!抽選で1名様に @frontier_k の推奨 PC が当たるキャンペーンを 4月12日より開催決定!乞うご期待! #WoLongFallenDynasty #ウォーロン
Make sure you are following us on Twitter with your notifications on... #WoLongFallenDynasty
Create a unique look for your Battle Flag! Customize your flag with several colors & a large selection of symbols. Make your flag represent a piece of you & let friends see it when they enter your battlefield. Make several flags & also save them as presets. #WoLongFallenDynasty
Militia warriors, #WoLongFallenDynasty has sold over 1 million units & has reached over 3.8 million players! Thank you for the tremendous support! The team is hard at work with future updates as well as the upcoming 3 DLCs. We hope you look forward to our future announcements.
▪━━━━━━━━━━━━━▪   【#加藤純一×#もこう】  「Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty」 #クリアするまで帰らない 生放送 ▪━━━━━━━━━━━━━▪ 無事クリア成功 💬「約43時間」🙏 番組は下記URLでお楽しみくださいませ live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv340937… #WoLongFallenDynasty