"With You"がSpotifyで1億800万ストリーミング突破しました👏 95日と10時間でこの記録を達成したSpotify史上最速の韓国OSTとなり自身の記録を更新です👏 ジミンちゃん おめでとう🎉 Congratulations Jimin 🎉 Extremely in love with #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
"With You" 가 Spitify에서 1억 8백만 스트리밍을 95일 10시간 만에 돌파했습니다. Spotify 역사상 이 업적을 달성한 가장 빠른 한국 OST입니다. 축하합니다, 지민🤩 Keep streaming the trending song #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
FilterがSpotifyで3億900万ストリーミング突破しました👏 ジミンちゃん おめでとう🎉 Congratulations Jimin🎉 With youと併せてジミンちゃんのソロ曲も沢山聴きましょう🐣 Can't stop to listen #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS  (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon 's OST of Our Blues
Christmas Love by JiminがSoundCloudで6200万ストリーミング突破しました👏 ジミンちゃん おめでとう🎉 Congratulations Jimin 🎉 Our precious song is #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
《Billboard Hot Trending Songs Chart》 ⏰7/29 20:00 Last 24 Hours:292,497(+21%) 🥇『With you』1位キープ‼️️ メンション数増加しています👏 引き続きタグツイート頑張りましょう🐣🔥 I'm listening to beautiful OST #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
"With You" has surpassed 108 million streams on Spotify! It is the fastest Korean OST to reach this milestone on the platform—95 days and 10 hours. Congratulations, Jimin! 🎉 Listen to #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS @BTS_twt and Sungwoon
🚨긴급 선물 총공🚨 #WithYou 멜론 선물하기 6시 총공 시작🔥 ⚠️'올포지민선물'로 【한 ID당 1번씩】 선물을 보내 주세요 ✅️본인명의 계정 3개인 경우 계정별로 1개씩 총 3개 선물
The Hyundai Goal of the Century Pledge event JIMIN CUT 현대차 세기의 골 서약 이벤트 홍보 영상 속 상큼한 지민입니다💚 Keep streaming #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
The gap with #2 is so close! Don't forget to keep using With You hashtag everyone! 🎯 100 replies #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
스포티파이🎵 위드유 107.8M➡️108M 필터 308.9M➡️309M 친구 171.9M➡️172M 사운드클라우드🎵 약속이 곧 321M 7월의 마지막 주도 지민의 노래, 함께 스트리밍 해 주세요. Keep streaming the hottest song #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
It’s green! Keep using the tags besties, like each other’s tweets too ! My choice for the Billboard Hot Trending Song is #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS @BTS_twt and Sungwoon
"With You가 멜론에서 2천 9백만 스트리밍을 달성했습니다. 축하해요 지민😍🥰 Keep streaming the record breaker song #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
지민의 "Serendipity Full Length Edition"이 멜론에서 2천 7백만 스트리밍을 돌파했습니다. 지민 축하합니다🎉 The most beautiful OST #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS @BTS_twt and Sungwoon
[SPOTIFY STREAMS] 220727 Jimin's solo songs have increased by 21K streams vs previous day w/ "Filter" increasing by 12K streams. ✨ #WithYou earns 714,574 streams on Day 95 - a 14K increase in streams vs previous day.
BB Hot Trending Songs last 24h 2. With You 239k mentions (+1) GAP: 21k JIMIN GLOBAL IT BOY #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
《Billboard Hot Trending Songs Chart》 ⏰7/29 6:30時点 Last 24 Hours:239,967(+8%) 🐣『With you』2位 繰り返しWith youタグでのジミンちゃんサポートをお願いします🥰 I'm listening to beautiful OST #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
Christmas Love ha superado 62 millones de reproducciones en SoundCloud! Felicidades Jimin!! 🎉 Listening to the song #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
#WithYou by #JIMIN and Sungwoon has surpassed 29M streams on Melon (+300.000) 🔺️👏
#WithYou has surpassed 107,772,021 Streams on Spotify in 94days and 10hours (+714,574) 🔺️
지민아 사랑해 ♡ jiminfanart WE LOVE YOU JIMIN FOREVER WITH JIMIN The most beautiful OST I’ve ever listened to is #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
지민의 "Christmas Love"가 SoundCloud에서 6천 2백만 스트리밍을 돌파했습니다. 지민 축하해요🎄☃️❄️ WE LOVE YOU JIMIN I'm happy to listen #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
제주 누웨마루 거리의 벽화를 그린 허용민님께서 IG에 또 다른 아름다운 지민 그림을 공유했습니다. 지민의 잊지못할 순간들이 그림에 예쁘게 담겨있어요😊 출처 ➡️instagram.com/p/Cgj1F_ivyJe/… ➡️instagram.com/p/CgVk7m2v54L/… Best OST #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
“Jimin is very frugal” “Jimin never shows off” “Jimin buys/ pays when they go out” How not to love him more everyday 😭 In love with Jimin and his song #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
소금사막 위드유 틴케 이벤트 (4) 굿즈 보관도 하고 그림도 보고 ♡ 해시+알티= 1분 당첨은 29일 지민시 이후 감사합니다 지민아 사랑해 JIMIN JIMIN Feels amazing to listen to the best OST #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon.
#WithYou by #BTS' #Jimin & #HaSungWoon holds at #2 on the #BillboardHotTrendingSongsChart after 6 weeks at #1! It's the 3rd longest Run at #1, the 1st & longest run at #1 for 2 Soloists and Jimin is the 1st to reach #1 as a Soloist + with a group!💪2️⃣🇺🇸🔥💥🎶(🥇✖️6⃣)👑👑💜❤️‍🔥