"With You" has surpassed 114 million streams on Spotify! It is the fastest Korean OST to reach this milestone on the platform—105 days and 10 hours. Congratulations, Jimin! 🎉 Can’t stop listening to #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS @BTS_twt and Sungwoon
《Billboard Hot Trending Songs📈》 ⏰8/8 7:30PM 時点 Last 24 Hours:166,785 (-17%)🔻 『With you』#4 ⬇️ ストリーミングと共に頑張りましょう🔥 Can't stop to listen #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon 's OST of Our Blues
후우~~불이 들어왔다 ( *¯ ³¯*)♡ Everyday song #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt ) and Sungwoon
Friends, producida por Jimin e interpretada con Taehyung, ha superado 130 millones de reproducciones en Melon! Felicidades Jimin & Taehyung!! 🎉 Extremely in love with #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
"With You" ha superado 31 millones de reproducciones en Melon! Felicidades Jimin! 🎉 Loving the most beautiful OST #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
🗳 Shining Awards D-23 BEST KPOP MALE VOCALIST 2022 🔗bit.ly/3vdBYa5 Current : 🥇 Gap: 2,325 Let’s widen the gap more🚨 ✔️ Vote for JM every hour! Keep voting & streaming #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
22.08.08 | Naver Articles for 03PM React 🥰 • Recommend • Share 1. naver.me/5mrxkZH4 2. naver.me/GSgo3dv8 Goal: 5k likes #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS ( @BTS_twt ) and Sungwoon
"With You"가 MELON에서 3천 백만 스트리밍을 달성했습니다. 우리 지민 축하해요🥳🥳🥳 아름다운 지민의 노래들 함께 스트리밍 해요🎶🎵 Keep Streaming the most beautiful OST #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
지민이 프로듀싱 한 곡 "친구"가 MELON 에서 1억 3천만 스트리밍을 돌파했습니다. 지민 축하해요🎉🎉🎉 SO PROUD OF YOU JIMIN Friends by JIMIN Keep streaming Filter, Friends and #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
Coway Indonesia x BTS | Jimin Jimin se ve bien bonito ☺️☂️ Dejen lindos comentarios para Jimin! ▶️instagram.com/p/CgqnPL0syJE/ Loving #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
《Billboard Hot Trending Songs📈》 ⏰8/8 7:00AM時点 Last 24 Hours:175,884 (-5%)🔻 『With you』#4 ⬇️ 4位、メンション数も少ないです🥺 今日もWith youタグを沢山使っていきましょう❤️‍🔥 A heartwarming OST #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
"With You" 2022년 8월 7일 23시 기준 MELON 차트 TOP100 79위 실시간차트 68위 일간차트 93위 (-) 굿나잇 전 스밍 체크 잊지마세요😊 Keep streaming the best OST #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
지민의 "Intro: Serendipity"가 스포티파이에서 1억 천 2백만 스트리밍을 돌파했습니다. 축하해요 지민🎊 Congratulations Jimin!🎉 Stream the beautiful song Serendipity and #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) & Sungwoon
지민의 "Lie"가 스포티파이에서 1억 8천 3백만 스트리밍을 돌파했습니다. 축하해요 지민🥳🥳🥳 사랑해요 박라이❤️‍🔥 Keep streaming the Billboard Hot Trending Song #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
우리 지민이는 한줌 허리거든요~ #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS  (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
🗳 Shining Awards D-24 BEST KPOP MALE VOCALIST 2022 🔗bit.ly/3vdBYa5 Current : 🥇 Gap: 1,992 The gap is still close let’s widen more🚨 ✔️ Vote for JM every hour Keep voting and streaming #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
【Billboard Hot Trending Songs📈】 🗓8/7 8:00 PM更新 ジミンちゃんWith you 1位👑 Last 24 Hours:201,330 (↑25%) With youタグを沢山使ってこのまま1位キープしましょう🐣 The most beautiful OST #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
스포티파이 세렌디피티 인트로 111.97M➡112M 라이 182.88M➡183M 유튜브 세렌디피티 인트로 164.95M➡165M 크리스마스러브 44.75M➡45M 8월의 한주가 지났습니다. 오늘도 스트리밍에 참여해주신 분들 모두 수고하셨습니다. #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
"With You" 가 Spitify에서 1억 천 3백만 스트리밍을 돌파했습니다. 축하합니다, 지민🎉🎉🎉 Keep streaming the trending song #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
"With You" ha superado 113 millones de reproducciones en Spotify! Es el OST coreano más rápido en lograr esta hazaña en la historia de la plataforma, en solo 104 días y 10 horas! Felicidades Jimin!! 🎉 Listening to #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
"With You" has surpassed 113 million streams on Spotify! It is the fastest Korean OST to reach this milestone on the platform—102 days and 10 hours. Congratulations, Jimin! 🎉 Can’t stop listening to #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS @BTS_twt and Sungwoon
🎯 400 replies! JIMIN JIMIN PJM1 IS COMING My hot trending song is #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN #BTS  (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
🗳 Shining Awards D-24 BEST KPOP MALE VOCALIST 2022 🔗bit.ly/3vdBYa5 Current : 🥇 Gap: 1,982 🆘 Keep voting hourly. Maintain the lead👌 Vote and stream #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon
2022. 8. 7 "With You" 멜론 스트리밍 카드 전체 스트리밍 30.9M 전체 감상자 1.1M 위드유와 함께 지민의 곡 라이, 친구, 세렌디피티, 필터도 스트리밍 해요🎶 배드디시전도 잊지마세요~😉 Streaming the Best OST #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) & Sungwoon
FilterがSpotifyで3億1100万ストリーミング突破しました👏 ジミンちゃん おめでとう🎉 Congratulations Jimin🎉 With youとともにジミンちゃんのソロ曲もいっぱい聴きましょう🐣 A hot trendy OST #WithYou by #JIMIN #BTSJIMIN of #BTS (@BTS_twt) and Sungwoon is my all-time favorite song.