#Weverse #위버스 #오픈_하루전 위버스가 바로 내일! 여러분을 찾아옵니다😊 Official for All Fans, Weverse
#Weverse #위버스 #OneDayLeft Only one day to go! We can’t wait to meet you all! 😊 Official for All Fans, Weverse.
#Weverse #위버스 #オープン前日 いよいよ明日、Weverseがオープンします!😊 Official for All Fans, Weverse.
#Weverse #위버스 #Official_for_All_Fans 아티스트와 가장 가까이, 공식 팬 커뮤니티 위버스 오픈!😍😍 내가 좋아하는 아티스트와 이제 위버스에서 만나세요🙌 👉 weverse.io 구글 플레이스토어에 ‘위버스’를 검색하세요. iOS 앱스토어는 출시 대기중이며, 곧 다운로드가 가능합니다.
#Weverse #OfficialForAllFans You and your favorite artists, Closer than ever before. Weverse, the official fan community is now open! 😍 Join today to meet your beloved superstars! 🙌 👉weverse.io Search Weverse on PlayStore! Weverse on iOS will be available soon.
#Weverse アーティストとの距離を縮める 公式ファンコミュニティーである「Weverse」大公開😍 皆様にお会いできる日を楽しみにしております🙌 👉 weverse.io Google Play Storeアプリから”weverse"を検索してください。 iOSのApp Storeは発売予定で間もなくダウンロード開催されます。
#Weverse #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #TXTWeverse From genuine moments shared by TOMORROW X TOGETHER, to exciting contents exclusive on Weverse. TXT Weverse is now open for fans anywhere, anytime! 🙌 Simply log in with your account for Big Hit Shop and TXT Universe. 👍 Welcome! 😘
#투모로우바이투게더의 공식 팬 커뮤니티가 새로운 플랫폼 #Weverse(#위버스)에 오픈했습니다. 앞으로 #TXT위버스 에서 투모로우바이투게더와 더욱더 가깝게 소통하고 다양한 컨텐츠를 만나보세요~! #TXT위버스 소개 ▶bit.ly/2IxaseB #위버스 다운로드 ▶ app.weverse.io/b3cs1
#TXT official fan community, the new platform, #Weverse is now open. We look forward to seeing you at #TXTWeverse, a community where the artist and fans can interact in a more intimate way! About #TXTWeversebit.ly/2IxaseB Download ▶ app.weverse.io/b3cs1
#TXT の公式ファンコミュニティが新しいプラットホーム #Weverse をオープン致しました。 これから #TXTWeverse#TXT をより身近に感じながらコミュニケーションし、さまざまなコンテンツを楽しみましょう! About #TXTWeversebit.ly/2IxaseB Download ▶ app.weverse.io/b3cs1
#Weverse #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #TXTWeverse TOMORROW X TOGETHER members just sent you a message! Run to TXT Weverse right now and check it out! 👀 Go to Weverse 👉 weverse.io
#Weverse #위버스 #투모로우바이투게더 #TXT위버스 투모로우바이투게더 멤버들이 직접 소식을 전해왔어요. 지금 바로 모먼트를 확인하세요👀 위버스에서 확인하기 👉 weverse.io
#Weverse #OfficialForAllFans iOS 앱스토어에도 드디어 위버스가 떴어요👍 기다려주셔서 감사합니다🥰 👉 weverse.io
#Weverse #OfficialForAllFans Weverse is now up and running on Apple App Store! 👍 Thank you for your patience! 🥰 👉 weverse.io
#Weverse #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #TXTWeverse Surprise! TOMORROW X TOGETHER members have a special Happy 100 Days video on Weverse! 💯 Let’s go check it out! ☺️☺️ Go to Weverse: weverse.io
#Weverse #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #TXTWeverse June 26th, #FlyTXT - We fly together
#Weverse New features backed by the feedback from #Wever! (2/2) 👉 Want to keep the photos in moments? Now you can save them! 🖼️ - No need to search for moment photos without the texts removed. - Download the photos with just a single tap of the 'Save' button! 🙂
June 26, together in one dream. #FlyTXT - We fly together. #Weverse #TXTWeverse #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #FlyTXT
Cheer on TOMORROW X TOGETHER and their dream! Your letters to TOMORROW X TOGETHER will be folded into paper planes that will fill up a giant cube at Seoul Marina square.🎁 Let's go! -> flytxt.weverse.io #Weverse #TXTWeverse #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #FlyTXT
👏 Hooray! 10,000 and counting! 👏 Your sincere letters 💌, folded into paper planes ✈️, are flying their way to TOMORROW X TOGETHER! Go to TXT Weverse and write a letter for TXT! 🖊️ And don't miss out on a surprise gift! 🎁 #Weverse #TXTWeverse #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #FlyTXT
#BTS위버스 오픈 안내 🎉 방탄소년단과 ARMY여러분이 더욱 가깝게 소통하고, 다양한 콘텐츠도 즐길 수 있는 공식 팬 커뮤니티, BTS위버스가 오픈되었습니다🙌 기존에 빅히트샵,아미피디아,위플리에서 사용하시던 아이디로 별도의 가입절차없이 로그인하세요👌 👉weverse.io #Weverse #BTS
#BTSWeverse #GrandOpening 🎉 The official fan community, BTS Weverse is now open! 🙌 Interact closer with BTS members and fellow ARMY, and enjoy a variety of contents! Simply log in to Weverse by using your account for Big Hit Shop, Armypedia, and Weply. 👌 #Weverse #BTS
防弾少年団からBTS Weverseのオープンを祝うメッセージが届きました💜 ぜひWeverseでご覧になってください 👀 Weverseで確認する👉 app.weverse.io/vqoib #Weverse #BTSWeverse #BTS
BTS has come by to congratulate the grand opening of BTS Weverse! 💜 Go to Weverse right now and check out their message! 👀 Visit now 👉 app.weverse.io/q3wdce #Weverse #BTSWeverse #BTS
🖊️ Send your messages to #BTS on #Weverse! Simply add one of the hashtags below in your posts! 👇 #to_BTS #to_RM #to_Jin #to_SUGA #to_jhope #to_Jimin #to_V #to_JungKook BTS members will easily find and read your messages with these hashtags in 'To Artist' of 'Artist' tab! 😊