Thailand gained the most filtered (charted) streams for aespa yesterday with 97,153 (-4,930) streams from Welcome To MY World. Please join @aespastationTH streaming party on @STATIONHEAD running 24/7. 🔗:share.stationhead.com/tk70d7473sq4 #æspa #에스파 #WelcomeToMYWorldtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Are you excited to see the Real World? WELCOME TO KARINA WORLD AESPA WTMW OUT NOW #오늘당신의_세계에있는_에스파 #KARINA #WelcomeToMYWorld
Global MYs🚨🚨 Join the Welcome To MY World streaming and buying party hosted by @aespastationTH on @STATIONHEAD 🔗: share.stationhead.com/fCRltmVk03y #æspa #에스파 #WelcomeToMYWorld #aespa_WelcomeToMYWorld
#WINTER is currently trending with 11K tweets WINTER IS MY WORLD #WINTER #오늘당신의_세계에있는_에스파 #WelcomeToMYWorld
Melon Magazine exclusive behind photos AESPA WTMW OUT NOW #오늘당신의_세계에있는_에스파 #WelcomeToMYWorld #aespa @aespa_official
AESPA WELCOMING MY WORLD is now trending worldwide at #19 (+4) 🔥 higher mys! #WelcomeToMYWorld #aespa #aespa_MYWORLD @aespa_official
AESPA WELCOMING MY WORLD climbed to #23 (+17) on worldwide trends! let's keep promoting mys #WelcomeToMYWorld #aespa #aespa_MYWORLD @aespa_official
reply tags for billboard hot trending songs! add your own sentence, do not spam I choose #WelcomeToMYWorld by #aespa @aespa_official as my hot trending song of the week