Feels so surreal for Lisa to finally start her new activities and schedules in China!!! Super excited to see all the stuff that she'll show us, be it through the magazine, the show and also at the press con 😆🥰😄 加油!! #LISAxNYLONCHINA #WelcomeMentorLisa #欢迎LISA导师
Fans are all lined up properly and waiting for Lisa's arrivial in Guangzhou with banners! Props to everyone there for keeping order and by taking the time off to welcome our baby~ #WelcomeMentorLisa #欢迎LISA导师 m.weibo.cn/6028835257/445…
"Please keep order, don't squeeze, don't shout, shorter ones stand to the front, taller ones stand to the back, so everyone can get to see her. Please hold up the human wall so that it won't scare Lisa, don't push her, protect her" Thank you ❤ #WelcomeMentorLisa #欢迎lisa导师