i know this is a mcyt art account i'm sorry but we are fighting against the military coup. spreading awareness would help us a lot thank you 🙏🙏 #HearTheVoiceOfMyanmar #WeNeedDemocracy
At least 10 people have been injured in a water pipe crackdown on anti-coup protesters in Naypyidaw's Thapyegone today. #HearOurVoicesOfMyanmar #FailDictatorship #SaveMyanmarDemocracy #WeNeedDemocracy Day9
In Myanmar, we have been fighting for democracy since the military dictators have been taking over the country on feb 01,2021. Keep eyes on us. #RejectTheMilitary #WhatsHappeninglnMyanmar #SaveMyanmar #WeNeedDemocracy #WeNeedJustice
An anonymous from Yangon lighted the whole country people’s voices with projector on city building tonight. !!!! #HearOurVoicesOfMyanmar #FailDictatorship #SaveMyanmarDemocracy #WeNeedDemocracy #Release_Our_Leaders #releaseaungsansuukyi #CivilDisobedienceMovement
The military and police shot protesters, who are protesting peacefully in streets with fire hoses. A few of them got injuries. #HearOurVoicesOfMyanmar #FailDictatorship #SaveMyanmarDemocracy #SaveMyammar #WeNeedDemocracy #weneedfreedom
An anonymous from Yangon lighted the whole country people’s voices with projector on city building tonight. !!!! #HearOurVoicesOfMyanmar #FailDictatorship #SaveMyanmarDemocracy #WeNeedDemocracy #Release_Our_Leaders #releaseaungsansuukyi #CivilDisobedienceMovement