@CHUANG_Official please hear our request, Nene work hard and enjoyed her work as the International Assisted Mentor, and us fans want to repay her efforts just by sending her flower arch. She deserves it. 🙏🏻 She does not deserve this kind of mistreatment #WJJWrobbedNENE
Nene Hyh Official - Flower Wall 1. Without any notice, the company made the decision to change nene’s flower wall space into the group’s space. Hyh is going to cooperate with the decision in the group’s best interest. @CHUANG_Official #WJJWrobbedNENE
2. On 4.16, got noticed that they have space for nene, so Hyh started planning for nene. Suddenly given notice that the space for nene was given away to other people. Hyh is working on communicating with the company but no good action plan yet. @CHUANG_Official #WJJWrobbedNENE
肯請公司善待nene Nene 從創3到創4帶來的海外流量有目共睹,每一集創4的hastag都上泰國趨勢甚至世界趨勢。並不是要求特別待遇,而是希望能夠給予公平的後援機會。拜託🙏 Please treat nene fairly. She has brought in so much international recognition. Thx u! @CHUANG_Official #WJJWrobbedNENE
"สถานที่ที่เป็นของเนเน่คนเดียว แต่ยกไปให้คนอื่น" แล้วเนเน่ล่ะ ? Nene Flower arch #WJJWrobbedNENE
自成团以来你们干了多少缺德事啊 Nene在创三创四吸引了多少海外热度 最后连个花墙都不配拥有吗? 是创四发起人团成员之一吧 是有国际学员助教的title吧 为节目带了多少泰趋世趋 你们不会不知道吧 结果都不商量的直接给别人了? 连一点尊重都没有吗? #WJJWrobbedNENE