[TIKTOK] 220704 HOONY araudaum post “Let’s go WINNER! D-1” Like and comment here: 🔗 vt.tiktok.com/ZSdofanEq/?k=1 #WINNER_HOLIDAY_D1 #WINNER #위너 #HOONY #이승훈 @official_hoony_ @yginnercircle @yg_winnercity
[HT EVENT] 🍀 DDAY SCHEDULE 🍀 Please note the timings and tags for tomorrow. Timings- 🍀12am KST 🍀12pm KST 🍀6pm KST Join the HT parties & let the world know about the release of HOLIDAY album & ILOVEU MV. #WINNER_HOLIDAY_D1 #WINNER #위너 @yginnercircle @yg_winnercity
[🍀] WINNER HASHFLAGS are here! They will begin at 12am KST tonight and be active for a month! Let’s go all out ICs and enjoy our cloverWINNER 🍀🍀🍀🍀 #WINNER_HOLIDAY_D1 #WINNER #위너 @yginnercircle @yg_winnercity