[#WEVERSE POST] 230207 DK #도겸 ⚔️: CARATs thank you so much..🥹 I'm so happy right now..ㅠㅠ I'm really proud and feeling amazing because you like our song a lot~ (full translation on picture)
완판왕 #BTS진 포도알 목걸이 💜 완판감사, 리오더기념 #RT 이벤트! 국내거주 아미님 두분께 증정. 발표: 4/7 발송:재입고일 13일 gvg.co.kr/item/216257 #BTSJIN #WEVERSE #防弾少年団ジン #金碩珍 #KimSeokjin #주문폭주 #완판 #사장님도아미
[#WEVERSE POST] 230312 DK #도겸 ⚔️: Let's continue to have strength in the future with the energy we received in caratland! Thank you for being a carat ♥️ i love you so much, our carats! (full translation on second photo)
// food [#WEVERSE POST] 230222 DINO #디노 🦦: carats, what do you think about tendong as today's dinner menu recommendation? ㅎㅎ it has a very touching taste 😆
[#WEVERSE POST] 230214 JEONGHAN #정한 😇: CARATs happy birthdayyy ㅎㅎㅎ today is CARAT day, have a happy day everyoneeㅎㅎ (written cutely)
@pledis_17 [#WEVERSE POST] HOSHI #호시 🐯: goodnight🌙 horanghae🧡🐯
[#WEVERSE POST] 230208 THE8 #디에잇 (same with IG story) 🐸: let's meet at 7💎 ㅋ_ㅋ
@pledis_17 [#WEVERSE POST] THE8 #디에잇 🐸: ...our 💎 too. as you watch this episode of 'Hey, There', i hope you can feel how precious yourself and your family is... FULL translation on photo