💌The Holiday Quest Has Arrived💌 Comment the right answer to unveil the surprise gift given as a holiday perk!🎄 #크림슨하트 #LE_SSERAFIM #르세라핌 Every Friday with glowing #CrimsonHeart❤️ 👉linktr.ee/crimson_heart #네이버웹툰 #네이버시리즈 #LINEマンガ #WEBTOON #Wattpad
💌ホリデークエスト到着💌 コメントで答えを当てたら、ホリデー特典で サプライズギフトが公開される⁉🎄 #크림슨하트 #LE_SSERAFIM #르세라핌 Every Friday with glowing #CrimsonHeart❤️ 👉linktr.ee/crimson_heart #네이버웹툰 #네이버시리즈 #LINEマンガ #WEBTOON #Wattpad
💌홀리데이 퀘스트 도착💌 댓글로 정답을 맞히면 서프라이즈 기프트가 공개된다구!?🎄 #크림슨하트 #LE_SSERAFIM #르세라핌 Every Friday with glowing #CrimsonHeart❤️ 👉linktr.ee/crimson_heart #네이버웹툰 #네이버시리즈 #LINEマンガ #WEBTOON #Wattpad
【MISSION SUCCESS】 🎄#HOLIDAY_GIFT #SPECIAL_SELFIE🎁 ¿Qué aspecto tienen los nueve chicos cuando se convierten en lobos?🐺 Echa un vistazo a #DARKMOON_THEGREYCITY para ver la historia de los hombres lobo 👉 linktr.ee/GREYCITY_HYBE @andTEAMofficial #DARKMOON #WEBTOON #Wattpad
【MISSION SUCCESS】 🎄#HOLIDAY_GIFT #SPECIAL_SELFIE🎁 What do the nine boys look like when they turn into wolves? 🐺 Check out the story of the werewolves in #DARKMOON_THEGREYCITY 👉 linktr.ee/GREYCITY_HYBE @andTEAMofficial #DARKMOON #WEBTOON #Wattpad
Khan hace un año y ahora💧 ¿Cuál es la razón por la que Khan es conocido como un ""demonio"" en la escuela? Descúbrelo en el cuarto episodio del webcómic, y deja un comentario para animar a Khan 👉 linktr.ee/GREYCITY_HYBE #DARKMOON_THEGREYCITY #DARKMOON #WEBTOON #Wattpad
Khan's today and a year ago💧 Why is Khan called ""The Devil"" at school? Check out what happened in Episode 4 and leave a message for Khan to comfort him! Listen to our Howling on Every Tuesday🐺 👉 linktr.ee/GREYCITY_HYBE #DARKMOON_THEGREYCITY #DARKMOON #WEBTOON #Wattpad
Beep- These are the results of Refugian and Unknown girls🔍 Every Friday with glowing #CrimsonHeart❤️ 👉linktr.ee/crimson_heart #크림슨하트 #네이버웹툰 #네이버시리즈 #LINEマンガ #WEBTOON #Wattpad
ピッー レヒュージアとアンノウンの少女たちのデータを検索します🔍 Every Friday with glowing #CrimsonHeart❤️ 👉linktr.ee/crimson_heart #크림슨하트 #네이버웹툰 #네이버시리즈 #LINEマンガ #WEBTOON #Wattpad
Beep- 레퓨지아와 언노운 소녀들의 데이터를 조회하셨습니다🔍 Every Friday with glowing #CrimsonHeart❤️ 👉linktr.ee/crimson_heart #크림슨하트 #네이버웹툰 #네이버시리즈 #LINEマンガ #WEBTOON #Wattpad
Nine werewolves, but one family "We have to stick together until the end" The story of nine brother wolves Send us your love and support for #DARKMOON_THEGREYCITY in 2023 as well Listen to our Howling on Every Tuesday🐺 👉 linktr.ee/GREYCITY_HYBE #DARKMOON #WEBTOON #Wattpad
Nueve hombres lobo, una hermandad de lobos "Solo nos queda vivir juntos hasta el final" La historia de la hermandad de nueve lobos Quédate con #DARKMOON_THEGREYCITY en 2023 Listen to our Howling on Every Tuesday🐺 👉 linktr.ee/GREYCITY_HYBE #DARKMOON #WEBTOON #Wattpad
<Crimson Heart> Characters Relationship Map 🔎 To find out details about characters (instagram.com/crimsonheart_h…) Every Friday with glowing #CrimsonHeart❤️ 👉linktr.ee/crimson_heart #크림슨하트 #네이버웹툰 #네이버시리즈 #LINEマンガ #WEBTOON #Wattpad
크림슨 하트 지도 공개!🗺 Crimson Heartの地図を公開!🗺 Revealing the Crimson Heart map!🗺 Every Friday with glowing #CrimsonHeart❤️ 👉linktr.ee/crimson_heart #크림슨하트 #네이버웹툰 #네이버시리즈 #LINEマンガ #WEBTOON #Wattpad
예측불허의 세계 ‘언노운’에서 또 어떤 일이? 予測不可の世界「アンノウン」では、また何が起きるだろうか? What will happen in the "Unknown"? Every Friday with glowing #CrimsonHeart❤️ 👉linktr.ee/crimson_heart #크림슨하트 #네이버웹툰 #네이버시리즈 #LINEマンガ #WEBTOON #Wattpad
Khan ha comenzado a abrirse poco a poco a los demás ¿Podrán convertirse en verdaderos amigos? Lee el capítulo 7 de #DARKMOON_THEGREYCITY ahora mismo y deja tus impresiones en los comentarios Listen to our Howling on Every Tuesday🐺 👉linktr.ee/GREYCITY_HYBE #DARKMOON #WEBTOON
Khan slowly started to open up to his friends🔓 Will they become true friends in the end? Check out #DARKMOON_THEGREYCITY episode 7 and leave your thoughts on the comment💬 Listen to our Howling on Every Tuesday🐺 👉 linktr.ee/GREYCITY_HYBE #DARKMOON #WEBTOON #Wattpad
¡Ya viene la venganza de Khan! ¡Aguanté todo lo demás, pero esta vez no! ¿Quieres saber qué hizo que Khan despertara?🤯 Lee #DARKMOON_THEGREYCITY ahora mismo. Listen to our Howling on Every Tuesday🐺 👉linktr.ee/GREYCITY_HYBE #DARKMOON #WEBTOON #Wattpad
Khan finally starts to fight back! I can put up with anything, but I'm not holding back on this one! If you want to find out why Khan changed Check out #DARKMOON_THEGREYCITY right now Listen to our Howling on Every Tuesday 👉 linktr.ee/GREYCITY_HYBE #DARKMOON #WEBTOON #Wattpad
Will the girls be able to meet Zozoba? I passed the test! (Almost died in LV.3...) If you passed all of the Grafter's test, please leave us an emoji 💪❤️ in the comment section of EP.10 Every Friday with glowing #CrimsonHeart❤️ 👉linktr.ee/crimson_heart #크림슨하트 #WEBTOON
_人人人人人人人人人人人_ >¡No hagas enojar al lobo!<  ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄ La pelea de Khan genera diversas reacciones 💭 ¿Cuál es la tuya? Listen to our Howling on Every Tuesday 👉 linktr.ee/GREYCITY_HYBE #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEGREYCITY #WEBTOON #Wattpad
_人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_ >NEVER MESS WITH THE BOY!<  ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄ Different reactions while watching Khan fight 💭 Which type are you? Listen to our Howling on Every Tuesday 👉 linktr.ee/GREYCITY_HYBE #DARKMOON #DARKMOON_THEGREYCITY #WEBTOON #Wattpad
✍️Zozoba's Diary✍️ Is it finally time for me to leave this cave? If I am with my new friends... Going on a trip sounds okay… Every Friday with glowing #CrimsonHeart❤️ 👉linktr.ee/crimson_heart #크림슨하트 #네이버웹툰 #네이버시리즈 #LINEマンガ #WEBTOON #Wattpad
✍️ゾゾバの日記✍️ もう洞窟を離れるときが来たのかな? 新しい友達と一緒ならなぜか… 冒険に出てもいい気がする… Every Friday with glowing #CrimsonHeart❤️ 👉linktr.ee/crimson_heart #크림슨하트 #네이버웹툰 #네이버시리즈 #LINEマンガ #WEBTOON #Wattpad