#Varriors by how many BPS you expect the interest hike this time from the #Fed ? 75BPS=💚 50BPS=🔁 25BPS=✍🏼
Do good and good will follow you! Come on #Varriors keep liking, retweeting and commenting this post.💚
🚨 MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT!! Token Drop (engage to earn), Roadmap, New Projects & more! [Like, Comment & Retweet] #Varriors 💚
#Varriors would you like to see more Twitter threads like the January update? 🚀 Let us know.
#Varriors, your voices have been heard loud and clear. Our team will do our best to keep you regularly updated and informed in a thread-like format. twitter.com/VLaunchCOM/sta…
Feature Idea /4 Fiat-to-Crypto Onramp Integration 💳 #Varriors would be able to directly purchase#VPADD on the VLaunch platform by integrating a third-party onramp. This would enable you to instantly purchase#VPADD via credit card or bank transfer. Select and comment below 👇