. @jarpad, @JensenAckles, & I want YOU to vote this Tuesday! (We've hidden a subtle subliminal message to all Texan voters in this image. See if you can spot it.) betofortexas.com/vote #betofortexas #VOTE
I may not know what's cool or hip, but I do know this: you young people can save the world. Please vote. #VOTE whenweallvote.org
Here’s the naked truth: we all need to #VOTE. vote.org #SaveUsVoteBlue twitter.com/mishacollins/s…
If all it takes to encourage people to vote is getting naked, then I’m gonna do it, too. #NakedBallots #VOTE
Road trip! I'm on my way to New England to personally make sure you're all registered to vote (and to make sure those of you in NH vote for @NHMollyKelly tomorrow). Come hang out with me! #VOTE
会館の方が19年前の公演のチラシを資料でとっておいて下さってました♪ 応援下さる皆さんの想いが伝わって、ますますしっかり公演を届けていこうと思いました!ありがとうございます! #TMR25 #VOTE twitter.com/tmrlive/status…
I have more friends volunteering as poll workers than ever and sincerely want to thank them and all the other election workers. Y’all deserve all our positive energy today! 🙌 iwillvote.com #VOTE
足掛け3年に及ぶ #VOTE #VOTEJAPAN TOURを昨日無事に終える事が出来ました。ご参加頂いた皆さん、またこの挑戦を応援頂いた全ての皆さまに心より厚く御礼申し上げます。つきましては来る6月18日に #エムオン!にて武道館での公演を独占放送させて頂きます。是非ご覧下さい。 #僕らの誕生日twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
I'm on a road trip through New England to get out the vote! It's election day in NH, so I'm on my way to @KeeneState_ to support @NHMollyKelly for governor. Want to meet up? Meet me at the Thirsty Owl around 2 PM or at the MUB at @UofNH at 5PM! See you there. PS: #VOTE!
What I lack in diverse messaging, I make up for in sheer persistence. #VOTE whenweallvote.org
Is it enough yet? #VOTE as though your lives depend on it, guys. Because they do. #GunReformNow cnn.com/2018/08/26/us/…
Nice work, Nate! And remember: if they turn you away at the polls, demand a provisional ballot & receipt (it’s the law). Don’t let anyone steal your voice. #VOTE twitter.com/NathanLerner/s…
Let’s all work together to knock down as many barriers to getting to the polls as possible on Election Day. If you can sign up to be an absentee voter so you just have to drop your ballot in the mail. Offer to drive friends to the polls. what @lyft is doing here is great. #VOTE twitter.com/lyft/status/10…
(◉ ϖ ◉) (˶‾᷄ꈊ‾᷅˵ ) ζ,,゚Д゚ζ #ガチャピン #西川貴教 #ムック #TMR #VOTE 【ついに!】T.M.Revolutionのライブに出演!西川貴教さんと一緒に踊ってきました【HOT LIMIT】【HIGH PRESSURE】 youtu.be/bPyP0RWnsOI
I’m proud of y’all, Texas. Stand up for what’s right, vote for @mjhegar & @JoeBiden & turn the state blue! bit.ly/VoteOrgMC #VoteBlue2020 #VOTE twitter.com/AntonioArellan…
Don't let the sun set on America. #VOTE #SaveUSVoteBlue
Hey guys today is an amazing day to get ur voice out there and #VOTE Today JOIN ME at twitch.tv/neeko watch an amazing film @allinthefilm on the importance of VOTING 💙 #AllInForVoting #ad
I conducted a grassroots poll today. These were the results. (What about you? Have YOU voted yet?) #VOTE
「T.M.R. LIVE REVOLUTION'21 -VOTE-」びわ湖ホール初日を終え、ツアー無事にスタートしました! #tmrlive #TMR25 #VOTE
That was a great speech. I’m so glad he is calling out MAGA extremism for what it is: anti-democracy. #VOTE #BidenSpeech
The citizens of Keene & @NHMollyKelly were warm & welcoming (&, not to make you all jealous, but they’re active voters, so they’re all incredibly attractive). Thanks for hanging out with me. I’m off to @UofNH... Meet me at 5 PM! ...And #VOTE! actionsprout.io/6146F5
Hey, Mississippi! Don’t forget to #VOTE today! Take your ID & a friend with you. Be sure to double-check your ballot & if you run into trouble, call 866-OUR-VOTE. Polls close at 7 PM, so you still have plenty of time—help make history by voting for @espyforsenate!
Republicans are threatening to take away citizenship from Americans born in this country. The threat is real! Unchecked, this administration will attack everything we have—including what it means to be an American. Vote Blue Nov. 6! #VOTE
California, your voter registration deadline is tomorrow! If you're not registered to vote, GO DO IT RIGHT NOW. (And if you're not in CA, RT this for the people who are.) registertovote.ca.gov #CaliforniaCounts #VOTE
Trump & his cronies are slowly trying to strip away the rights of LGBTQIA people. Your vote can stop them. Unlock a future where everybody is equal! #VOTE! #ACLU bit.ly/YourVote_StT twitter.com/Stands/status/…