🚨 WE DID IT! You voted and we found @BLACKPINK dancing for #VMAStanCam!! twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
🚨 WE DID IT! You voted and we found @BLACKPINK dancing for #VMAStanCam!! twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Excuse me, @Anitta? 🤔 Can you tell us about your celeb crush?! 🥰 Now that’s how you get things done, stans! #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Excuse me, @Anitta? 🤔 Can you tell us about your celeb crush?! 🥰 Now that’s how you get things done, stans! #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Who else wants to watch @Anitta’s performance 100 more times?!?! 🔥🔥🔥 See who we found in the audience fangirling on #VMAStanCam: twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
#VMAStanCam is turned ON, ya little weirdos 😏 and we found @BLACKPINK backstage at the #VMAs! twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
#VMAStanCam is turned ON, ya little weirdos 😏 and we found @BLACKPINK backstage at the #VMAs! twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
You asked, we delivered. Check out the #VMAs audience FREAKING OUT 🤯 at @Eminem & @SnoopDogg’s performance! #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
#VMAStanCam confirming what we all already knew: @BLACKPINK is the sweetest 💕
Look at all these cuties we found in the #VMAs audience! @taylorswift13, @kanebrown, @lilireinhart… if only we knew what they were saying!!! #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
🚨BARBZ🚨 You wanted @BLACKPINK, and you got them jamming out to @NICKIMINAJ’s AH-MAZING performance! #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
🚨BARBZ🚨 You wanted @BLACKPINK, and you got them jamming out to @NICKIMINAJ’s AH-MAZING performance! #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
“Celebrities, they’re just like us! Just check out EVERYONE having a literal meltdown over @BLACKPINK’s #VMAs  performance! #VMAStanCam#PinkVenom TASTE THAT VENOM ON VMA #BLACKPINKInYourVMAs twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
.@dylanobrien cheering for @AvrilLavigne is VERY relatable!!!!! #VMAStanCam
We found you a little something… @BLACKPINK warming up backstage before that AH-MAZING performance! #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Celebrities, they’re just like us! Just check out EVERYONE having a literal meltdown over @BLACKPINK’s #VMAs performance! #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
We found you not ONE but TWO bffs in the audience! @taylorswift13 and @dylanobrien AND @jackharlow and @LilNasX! 👯 #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Okay, @Anitta stans! Soooo, we’re searching for her RIGHT NOW!! 👀 What should we ask her on #VMAStanCam?! 🚀
I spy with my little eye 👀… @conangray 😍 at the #VMAs jamming to @jackharlow’s performance! #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
📞CALLING ALL BARBZ, CALLING ALL BARBZ 📞 Who should the #VMAStanCam catch jamming out during MS. @NICKIMINAJ’s ✨Video Vanguard✨ PERF-ormance?!
I spy with my little eye 👀… @conangray 😍 at the #VMAs jamming to @jackharlow’s performance! #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Gorgeous gorgeous stars are rocking some 🌟 G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S 🌟 looks on the #VMAs red carpet tn. Take a peep at @iambeckyg, @Anitta, @ChloeBailey, @LilNasX, @SofiaCarson, @lizzo and more! #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
PERFECTION! @lilireinhart is on the #VMAs red carpet giving us life! #VMAStanCam twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
GORGEOUS! @SofiaCarson is LIVE on the #VMAs red carpet! Peep her look on #VMAStanCam 👀: twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…