[VIXX_TV3] This is ROVIX. Behind the Scenes of Agent #KEN’s profile shoot for the musical <A Human Court> and his first performance! Let’s meet #VIXXTV3 Episode 31 at 9PM tonight. [Start the RT Operation! Over and Out] #빅스 #VIXX #켄 #이재환 #LEE_JAE_HWAN #인간의법정 #아오
[VIXX_TV3]This is ROVIX. #VIXXTV3 Episode 31. If you’re curious about Agent #KEN’s emotional thoughts on meeting his ST★RLIGHT baby agents for the first time in forever, stay tuned until the end! [Start the RT Operation! Over and Out] ▶️youtu.be/LUecySVEzN0 #VIXX #이재환