ZETA、Week2着弾。 天気、晴れ🌤️ | #VCTPacific | #MakeWaves | #ZETAWIN |
This Week's Standings. @DRX_VS and @GenG_KR are still undefeated after #VCTPacific Week 4!
Jinggg or Derke? VALORANTプロに聞く「1v1するならどっち?」 「若手をティルトさせるのが好きなんだ」 - @OfficialANGE1 @NAVIValorant のIGLが明かす秘密… #VCT が一層楽しくなるOn The Spotの最新エピソード公開です! #VCTPacific #VCT #VCTJP #MakeWaves
Preparing for the stage. | #VCTPacific | #MakeWaves | #ZETAWIN |
Some country rivalries are about to build up in this weekend's matches 💪 Don't miss the action at #VCTPacific Week 4!
スーパーウィーク到来!! 来たる激戦に備えましょう🔥🔫 #VCTPacific #VCT #VCTJP #MakeWaves
⚡『#VALORANT Champions Tour Pacific 2023』 League Play Week 3 // BO3 4/9(Sun) 18:00~ KST/JST vs Global Esports “Show us the power of your GLOBAL ROSTER🌏” 📺Stream twitch.tv/valorant_pacif… twitch.tv/valorant_jpn | #ZETAWIN '//, | #MakeWaves | #VCTPacific |
#ZETAWIN secured! @zetadivision seals the 2-1 W in Fracture! #VCTPacific
Hats off to @TALON_ESPORTS coming into the big league. Will they truly #MakeWaves ? #VCT #VCTPacific #VALORANT #VALORANTEsports
Representing Thailand on the Pacific stage 🇹🇭 Here is @TALON_ESPORTS' official #VCTPacific roster. TLN sushiboys TLN Crws TLN foxz TLN JitboyS TLN Patt TLN garnetS #MakeWaves
ここで話題に上がっている「LCQ」について解説 LCQは年間最大の大会Champions出場のラスト1枠をかけて7月から行われる大会のことです! LCQにはMasters出場チーム以外が出場。 そしてなんと!!VCTMastersTOKYOを優勝した地域には+1枠LCQの枠が貰えます!! つまりMastersTOKYOは #PacificWIN #VCTPacific
Demolition complete 🔨 @zetadivision takes the 2-0 win against their 🇯🇵 rival! #VCTPacific
#VCT #VCTPacific Week1 Day1 DRX @DRX_VS vs ZETA DIVISION @zetadivision 📺配信チャンネル 🟣twitch.tv/valorant_jpn 🔴youtu.be/U_zXbc4MR4k 🔵afreecatv.com/valorantjp
DetonatioN FocusMeとZETA DIVISIONのトークをお楽しみください。 VCT Pacificに参加する日本代表の2チームがお互いのマッチアップや最高のジェット使いについて語り、韓国の昔ながらの遊びに挑戦します。 #VCT #VCTJP #VCTPacific #MakeWaves
9-3の呪い証明ならず。 Next: ASCENTの呪い。 | #VCTPacific | #MakeWaves | #ZETAWIN |
ZETA応援団、到着。 | #VCTPacific | #MakeWaves | #ZETAWIN |
#VCTPacific Day 2. Let's get it! 💪 18:00 GMT+9 | PRX vs DFM 21:00 GMT+9 | TS vs TLN 📺 Twitch | riot.com/VCTPTwitch 📺 YouTube | riot.com/VCTPYouTube 📺 Facebook | riot.com/VCTPFacebook
.@zetadivision joins DRX, T1, and PRX to the #VCTPacific playoffs! Only two slots left up for grabs. Final four matches are going to be crucial for every team.
.@DRX_VS and @GenG_KR keep their winning streaks after Week 3 🙌 See you back next week for more #VCTPacific VALORANT!
明日3 月15 日に初公開される、VCT Pacific 2023 アニメーション “Making Waves”をお見逃しなく! #VCT #VCTJP #VCTPacific #MakeWaves
It's hard not to fall in love with @zetadivision when they're playing as good as tonight. They're finally finding their true form, and it's all looking NICE 💯 #VCTPacific
Does @GlobalEsportsIn hands down have the most diverse team? What are your thoughts on their vibrant roster? #VCT #VCTPacific #MakeWaves #VALORANT #VALORANTEsports
5月2日にフルで公開予定の Know Your Enemy // Ep.1 DFM & ZETA を、一足先に少しだけお見せします! #VCT #VCTJP #VCTPacific #MakeWaves
Paper Rex across the board while it's a toss up between ZETA and T1. We can't wait to watch these matchups tonight! #VCTPacific
#VCTPacific is finally here! Catch you later today for our opening matches: 18:00 GMT+9 | DRX vs ZETA 21:00 GMT+9 | T1 vs GES 📺 Twitch | riot.com/VCTPTwitch 📺 YouTube | riot.com/VCTPYouTube 📺 Facebook | riot.com/VCTPFacebook #MakeWaves