If Talon wins tonight, they have @paperthinhere, @heyimquack, and @BrendanValdes to thank for not losing faith 🙌 #VCTPacific
Will our W streak continue today or will our SEA brother @pprxteam take more Ws on #VCTPacific? We'll see about that! 🫣 #itssoarintime
Here to spice up your Monday evening🌶️ Watch out for tonight's #VCTPacific! 🕕 19:00 GMT+9 | TLN vs PRX 📺 Twitch | riot.com/VCTPTwitch 📺 YouTube | riot.com/VCTPYouTube 📺 Facebook | riot.com/VCTPFacebook
DRX in #VCTPacific Week 6 VCT 퍼시픽 Week 6 요약 #DRXWIN #PaveTheWay #VCTPacific
DRX in #VCTPacific Week 6 VCT 퍼시픽 Week 6 요약 #DRXWIN #PaveTheWay #VCTPacific
Reverse sweep complete! @DRX_VS takes their 6th straight win! 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
Wait this actually worked for them. Next up: Split #DRXWIN #PaveTheWay #VCTPacific
RRQ straight up dominated in Haven! They just handed DRX their 2nd map loss in the tournament 😯 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
India's pride popped off on the Jett yet again. @skrossigg is taking Global Esports to new heights 🇮🇳 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
GLOBAL ESPORTS SHOCKS GENG 😱 SkRossi went beast mode and delivered @GlobalEsportsIn's 2-0 sweep win! 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
🚨 SKROSSI ACE ALERT 🚨 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch @skrossigg | #VCTPacific
.@heyimquack is #GEFigthing and believing in the power of friendship tonight! #VCTPacific
Godlike movement and immaculate aim, @Dep_ow really is the chosen one ☝️ #VCTPacific
「VCT PACIFIC 2023」ZETA DIVISIONが4勝目で4位に浮上、DetonatioN FocusMeはT1に善戦するも初勝利ならず valorantnews.jp/archives/67725 #VALORANT #VCTPacific
#VCT #VCTPacific Week 6 Day 1 🏆MAP1 & MAP3 WINNER >> ZETA DIVISION @zetadivision 🏆MAP2 WINNER >> Team Secret @teamsecret 2-1 でZETA DIVISIONの勝利🔥🔥🔥 📺配信チャンネル 🟣twitch.tv/valorant_jpn 🔴youtu.be/gYlPDv03g_Q 🔵afreecatv.com/valorantjp
#ZETAWIN secured! @zetadivision seals the 2-1 W in Fracture! #VCTPacific
⚡『#VALORANT Champions Tour Pacific 2023』 League Play Week 6 // BO3 vs Team Secret 2-1 WIN👊GGWP Going for that fifth W🖐 Next...Week 7 // vs Paper Rex #ZETAWIN #MakeWaves #VCTPacific
⚡『#VALORANT Champions Tour Pacific 2023』 Very close... // @lazvell #ZETAWIN #MakeWaves #VCTPacific
Laz with the 4k tho, he almost had it 😱 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch @lazvell | #VCTPacific
1-1 呼吸を整えてFRACTURE!!! #ZETAWIN #MakeWaves #VCTPacific
⚡『#VALORANT Champions Tour Pacific 2023』 The Original Sheriff // @lazvell #ZETAWIN #MakeWaves #VCTPacific
#VCT #VCTPacific Week 6 Day 1 crow選手 / @no960fps トリプルキル⚡️⚡️⚡️ ラストラウンドを締めくくりました! 📺配信チャンネル 🟣twitch.tv/valorant_jpn 🔴youtu.be/gYlPDv03g_Q 🔵afreecatv.com/valorantjp
Headhunting @no960fps finishes the map with a spicy 3k! 🔥 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
⚡『#VALORANT Champions Tour Pacific 2023』 Just training 3K // @no960fps #ZETAWIN #MakeWaves #VCTPacific